Exhibition of the Department of Public Building Design, Residential Building, Industrial and Agricultural Building Design and Urban Studies of Budapest University of Technology and Economics
FUGA, Budapest 7th February 2013, 6 p.m.
Exhibition of the Department of Public Building Design, Residential Building, Industrial and Agricultural Building Design and Urban Studies of Budapest University of Technology and Economics
FUGA, Budapest 7th February 2013, 6 p.m.
A kiállítás gerincét az Iners projekt alkotja, amely a múlt század végén jött létre, és az első termékek úgy nevezett „passzív munkaeszközök” voltak, ezeket követték az elmúlt évtized közepén a gravitációval és a tömegközlekedéssel foglalkozó eszközök, majd az évtized végén jött a HTM (Haptic Training Machine), amely a haptikus készségeinket…
Polyfunctionality and deconstruction of everyday objects, irony and humour as weapons and moments of profound insight: these are some of the ideas behind the works by the architect, designer, sculptor and film-maker, Stefan Wewerka (born in 1928, in Magdeburg). In his works, Wewerka pushes against conventional concepts relating to …
Although building is one of the oldest occupations of mankind and architecture is regarded as the mother of arts, the architect’s work and the historical development of the profession are well-known only by a few. An extensive exhibition demonstrates the many changes of the occupational profile, from master builder to artist and from constructing engineer…
Architects are city changers’ – this is the slogan chosen for the world day of architecture by UIA this year. ’A world of inspiration in just one day’ – promoted WAN radio, that is the World Architecture News. On this prestigious day FUGA radio, the first internet-based Hungarian radio channel was launched.
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A kölcsönvett filmcímmel a helyzetet csak jelentésként, nem minősítésként kívánom jellemezni. Mert megint eljött az Építészet Világnapja. Rendezvények tucatja emlékezik meg az építészetről. Szinte vetélkednek, vetélkedünk, ki tud többet. A helyszínek is változatosak és jellemzők.
This autumn the Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ), the Open Society of Architectural Photographers and the Hungarian Chamber of Architects jointly published the tender titled “The Architectural Photo of the Year”. Although there had been no tender in Hungary before with this title, it is far from being totally unprecedented…
Spectacular as a quality is inseparable from the modern constructive way of thinking. It is also proven by drawings by György Jánossy exhibited in HAP Gallery that appear to be quite fresh even today. Most of them are abstract representations of a world of tension just about to take shape in which sometimes the spirit world also leaves…
István Janáky became unwell on August 6th, 2012, the hottest days of this summer in Hódmezővásárhely whilst managing the construction of the almost completed Culture Centre named after Ferenc Bessenyei (previously the poet Sándor Petőfi). Although he was rushed to hospital immediately, his life could not be saved. After Péter Reimholz…
The social motivation driving the so-called civilized world of the 20th century the objective of which is the maniac search for the possibilities of urban co-existence has failed from time to time. However, we still have to think that these experiments have been the most exciting – and maybe the most enlightening – intellectual-spiritual efforts of contemporary architecture.
The Piarist Professional School started its life on a beautiful site in Göd. The buildings taken over for educational purposes make up a troubled complex of dubious values as the mould of the past decades: the group of pavilions, structures housing workshops and educational units erected in the park of the historicizing villa is painfully useless for architecture.
Operating on the site of the former Oxygen Works in Váci út, Messer Hungarogáz made a decision back in 2008 to replace the structures of the gas-producing works and the filling station erected in the early 1950s with new ones in a spirit of of a total technological renewal. Commissioned to make the designs for this project, Géza Kendik and his fellow designers…