Kitüntették Dr. Máté Zsolt építészt

Balog Zoltán, az emberi erőforrások minisztere a köztársasági elnök megbízásból augusztus 20-a alkalmából átadta a Magyar Érdemrend kitüntetéseket a Szépművészeti Múzeum Barokk csarnokában 2012. augusztus 16-án. Dr. Máté Zsolt a Magyar Érdemrend Lovagkeresztjét vehette át.

Plans for the Museum

In 2012 the Museum of Applied Art published an architectural design tender for the complex reconstruction and value-adding development of the main structure of the museum protected as an historical monument inviting proposals for the renewal of the man-made environment of the institution.

Múzeum mindenkinek

A megújulás előtt álló Iparművészeti Múzeum Művészet mindenkinek című kiállítása a világ legnagyobb iparművészeti és designmúzeumának, a Victoria & Albert Múzeumnak a történetét, gyűjteményeinek kialakulását, valamint az európai iparművészeti múzeumokra gyakorolt hatását mutatja be mintegy 350 tárgy segítségével.

Ash and Diamond

The article celebrates György Csete Kossuth-rized architect on his 75th birthday. He is one of the pioneers the movement of the Hungarian organic architecture who headed the young architects’ team named Csoport in the 1970’s and continued the heritage of Ödön Lechner and Károly Kós.

JI Master

On August 6th 2012 István Janáky, Jr., a most outstanding figure of contemporary Hungarian architecture died. He had been awarded the Ybl Prize as an architect, worked as the honorary university lecturer with Moholy-Nagy University of Art and was the author of several books and writings both on literary and architectural subjects.

The Complexity of Spatial Minimum

Founded in 996, the origins of the Benedictine abbacy of Pannonhalma have been so closely associated with the era when the Hungarian state was established that the significance of the location is almost indisputable.

Expanding Space

The slogan of this year’s Venice Architectural Biennale by David Chipperfield, the chief trustee („Common Ground”) has turned out to work somewhat peculiarly. It may sound unmeaning if one expects a precisely elaborated concept in the background.

Modell és tér

A Deutsches Architekturmuseum nyári kiállítása is az építészeti modellt ünnepli. A frankfurti múzeum összes emeletén mintegy 300 modellt mutatnak be, a legrégebbi darabok az 1920-as években készültek, a legfrissebbek a 2000-es évekből valók.

Renewing Energies

As a new institution of the University of Pécs, the János Szentágothai Research Centre is one of the most significant investments in the years following the European Cultural Capital in this region. No wonder that the media and the public audience paid so much attention to the birth of the complex town-dwellers

Nomen est omen: Futura

Erected in the first half of the 18th century, the magnificent Baroque granary went into a slow decay after losing its original function. This tendency was stopped by an urban solidarity. The main component of the successful tender compiled for tthe revitalization had the chief merit of carefully defining the new contents.

The Hall of Technical Ingenuity

Mobilis launched its activities on the campus of the Győr-based István Széchenyi University in the spring of 2012. The city of Győr spent 1,7 billions received from the Agóra-Pólus tendering on the investment and the construction of the interactive exhibition.

Archetype and New Interpretation

South of the centre of Madrid on the bank of the River Manzanares the city’s slaughterhouse was built in the 1910s. The halls erected in the Historicizing style merging Neo-Mudejar features had been used up until the 1990s. The management of the city decided then to have a contemporary cultural centre moved into the buildings of fine orientation…