Memory Sinking Underground

Inaugurated on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy, September 11th, 2011 WTC Memorial is the joint work of Michael Arad architect and Peter Walker landscape designer. The design was selected from a total of 13,000 submitted for the tender published in 2002. The memorial taking up 65,000 square metres is actually in honour of the victims of two attacks.

Light Theatre in the Lab

The development of the University in Debrecen is embodied in buildings continuously deserving professional credit. After the library and educational centre by Ernő Kálmán and György Major, the dormitory by Ferenc Bán, the life science institute by János Golda and Gábor Szenderffy the IT centre constructed in the campus and the laboratory building within…

We are Staying

Thought and emotion, orientation and identification as the basic criteria of modern architecture. These are the concepts originating from Christian Norber-Schulz that Krisztina Somogyi emphasizes in her monographic volume on Mihály Balázs. Actually, it is the very essence of Balázs’ architecture. The rather too rational approach of modern industrialized…

A Fair House

The ancient settlement, Algyő lived its usual rural life by the River Tisza, between Szeged and (Hódmező)Vásárhely, from 1973 on for a quarter of a century as part of Szeged. However, pecisely because of the oil fields separatedly from Szeged, not theatened by the danger of physical merging. Education in primary schools (in the way typical of villages) was in…

Hortus Conclusus

The garden of Serpentine Gallery was one of the focuses of architectural interest for three months. Thanks to trustee Julia Peyton-Jones and generous sponsoring a pavilion functioning temporarily in summer for ten years was opened next to the tiny permanent exhibitional space which is the venue for a variety of events and meetings. The pavilion is designed…


By today the luckier institutes of public health have undergone spectacular facelifts thanks to money won by EU tendering. This is what happened to Uzsoki Street hospital too. After the first significant development ten years ago now the main building has been reconstructed and revised architecturally and technologically. Originally built between 1899 and 1901…

Glass Bank with a Golden Standard

The new headquarters of K&H bank does not primarily excel with aesthetic values but also with environment-consciousness. Its creators have targeted for the golden standard of the LEED qualification but the building exceeds this in many respects. The LEED is more complex than other quality ensuring systems, taking into consideration aspects of energetics…

Fixed Notes

Designers of the new Music Centre in Helsinki used reservedness for the visual organization of the area. Relaxed compositions typical of Finns and a sight designed from several viewpoints were the key concepts and essential to the free and integral organization of the multifunctional building, Designed independently, it is made up of functional spatial cells…

From the West to the East

Újabb nagypolgári villa kapott kiemelt kulturális szerepet az Andrássy úton. Zelnik István magángyűjtő a KOGART melletti és annak tulajdonában lévő épületben alakította ki Európa egyetlen aranymúzeumát, olyan páratlan gyűjteménnyel, amelyről Párizs vagy London is csak álmodhat. Kívülről csak annyit vesz észre az arra sétáló, hogy az egykori Rauch-villa…

A Communal Stage Space

The reconstruction of St Stephen’s Square in Százhalombatta was awarded the high-standard prize for the reconstruction of public squares in 2011. This prize was founded by the Hungarian Urbanistics Society (MUT) and the Hungarian National Board Society of ICOMOS in 2009. The main square today is wedged between two industrial complexes in the focus of…

Az Aldo Rossi korszak

Aldo Rossi (1931–1997) tevékenységét a zürichi ETH-n az 1970-es évek elején és közepén mai szóval „win-win- szituációnak” neveznénk: Rossi új építészeti terepet talált magának, s egyben kitöltötte azt a szellemi vákuumot, melyet a hallgatók érzékeltek. A német-svájci építészet fejlődésére gyakorolt hatását az idő előrehaladtával eltérő módon ítélték meg.

Finnországi jegyzet

A finn táj egyedisége olyan mélyen íródik a szemlélő emlékeibe, hogy a vissza nem térő visszaidézése alkotófolyamattá válik. A fény ereje, tisztasága feledhetetlen és átható. Az építész nem tudja megkerülni a természetet, a szépség titkos forrásait a kövekben, az erdőben és az egyensúlyra törekvő ompozíciókban.