In memoriam Miklós Hofer DLA
Ybl Award, Award for Excellence in Architecture, Széchenyi Award, Pro Urbe Budapest Award, professor at the TU Graz, TU Wien, AA School of Architecture – London and the University of Horticultural Science, former dean of BME Faculty of Architecture, professor emeritus
In memoriam Péter Heckenast
In memoriam Heckenast Péter
(1926 – 2011)
Architect and urbanist
Ybl Award
Prepared Architecture
We may as well have got used to it that an architectural work is only circumscribable at best: we are trying to use analogies, parallels, poetic or less poetic images, metaphors or associations, quotations and quotation marks to do so. Actually, however, it is only space, proportions, sounds, lights and colours, recollections that occur to us accompanied by associations…
Hidden Ecological Practice
Small is beautiful – says Ernst Schumacher, one of the pioneers of ecological economics in his epochal work. This lesson would be well worth for us to know, especially now, in the time of crisis, and especially for us, Hungarians. Because we are not only to be brave enough to dream something really big, but also to think in small – if this is the reality.
Image of Paradise
The building of the kindergarten has a dwelling-house design with several details echoing solutions experimented by Turi in residential buildings he designed. Clearly separated in space, functions are easy to recognize: the realm of children occupies the ground-floor, whilst service and ancillary areas (offices, staff changing rooms, washrooms, rest areas) are upstairs.
Simple Sentence without Fluff
This house is like a simple sentence (subject+predicate). There are no superfluous things or superfluous effects. Natural simplicity and openness defines the development as such. Everything is what it seems to be. The wall is a wall, the roof is a roof, the window is a window. However, it almost unnoticeably steps out of its system of coordinates, or rather doubles it.
The first impression one has of the new bus terminal in Hatvan is that the experience we have associated with travelling does not depend on the building itself but on the architectural standards achieved here. Selected after an invitation to tender, the duo of architects treated the array of classic forms with a firm hand.
A Montage of Quotations
The slope is steep, the house was built on the upper border of the lot. The flat roof was a fine choice. The form and simplicity of the horizontal prism defines forms counterpointed by the more emphasized design of the entry side with two projecting cornices and the prism of the chimney piercing them through.
Bread Factory Capriccio
When it comes to development, Siófok as the capital of Lake Balaton and its region is trying to break away in time from the linear type of town development along the shores. The uninhabited building formerly housing the mechanized bakery, that is the would-be cultural centre, is within walking distance from the centre even southward.
Hylozoic Ground
In Venice Canada exhibited yet another spectacular show of a project by Philip Beesley going on for several years now: it is Hylozoic Ground he made in co-operation with the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. Applying methods of experimental architecture, this project reinterprets the phenomena of virgin nature, the concept and quality of wilderness.
Throughout the Town of Light
Born in Selyp near Eger in 1906, György Kepes covered a long way from this tiny village to Boston where he became an artist and a world famous theoretician founding an institution. There are only a few artists in the 20th century who had been more influential than him concerning the potentials of visual language in association with scientific thinking…
An Antiquated Block
Az 1963-ban megnyitott szombathelyi Iseum romkertjének helyén ma újra szentély áll. A napvilágra került adatoknak a korábbi ismeretanyagba való beépítését a 2001-3 között Sosztarics Ottó régész Mezős Tamás építész végezték. Az „Iseum-rekonstrukció” koncepciója az volt, hogy az új szentély teljes tömegében mutassa be ókori előzményének mását.