Séta a fák között

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Adaptív építészet

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Anna Mark két kiállítása

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Rodostóra nyíló ablak

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The General Assembly of MÉSZ

Architects’ House, June 8th, 2022 The Association of Hungarian Architects held its annual general assembly on June 8th, where its chairman, András Krizsán and the heads of the boards gave a summary of their activities in the past year, and presented their plans for the year 2022. The second part of the assembly was devoted […]

Unbuilt Budapest

Hungarian Museum of Transport, June 21 – September 30 A new temporary exhibition summarizing the transport visions of Budapest has opened in the future home of the Transport Museum, the Diesel Hall of the Northern Vehicle Repair. Unbuilt Budapest evokes what an alternative Budapest would look like based on transport plans for the past 150 […]

City Hall Park

Results of the Design Contest An open secret contest was published by the Mayor’s Office of the Municipality of Budapest at the end of 2021 for the revitalisation of the City Hall Park, including the development of green-blue infrastructure components, the creation of a high-standard public domain by preserving protected buildings, public components and environmental […]