The New Empire of Waters

Nature-Friendly Innovation Against Climate Change Text: Bálint Botzheim A key agent in climate change in the Carpathian Basin happens to be water, of which we temporarily have too much or too little. In spring and early summer sudden showers and downpours are often accompanied by flash floods. In the latter half of the summer, however, […]

Héttorony Fesztivál

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James Wines retrospektív

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Land for Us All

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Insula Leporum

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Best Highrises 2020/2021

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The General Assembly of AHA to Renew Functions and Representatives

ELTE Lágymányos Campus, 10. 19. Text and photos: AHA In the middle of October the Association of Hungarian Architects held its general assembly to renew its functions and representatives at the campus of ELTE in Lágymányos, where the annual reports were followed by the election of the new board of the management. Members of the […]