Young Generation After “The Young”

Minor Market, Wekerle Housing Estate Architects: András Füzes, Péter Tóth DLA Text: Ferenc Salamin Photos: Zsófia Jurassza Completed in 2019, the Minor market has a history starting 12 years ago with an architectural tender on the iconic Wekerle housing estate then celebrating its 100th anniversary. The architects of the entries coming first have designed the […]

Hide and Seek

Kadarka Street Kindergarten, Budapest Text: Szilvia Molnár Architecture and photos: György Dénes At the beginning of the year, the sunny, modern Kadarka Street Kindergarten was handed over 100 children and 20 kindergarten workers in the garden-town part of the former Pesthidegkút called Széphalom. Not only did the area thrive with a new institution building, but […]

Disciplined Elegance

Dezső Gyarmati Swimming-Pool, Budapest Architects: Kis Péter, Varga Béla Text: Kiss Tamás Photos: Batár Zsolt The new swimming-pool named after Dezső Gyarmati offers the venue and chance to local city-dwellers to do everyday exercise, whilst also meeting the needs of competitive sportspeople. The facility has an indoor and outdoor pool as well, suited to host […]

A Metamorphosis on Water

Sports And Events Ship, Budapest   Architects: Marcel Ferencz, György Détári Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky   The headquarters of the Hungarian Kayak and Canoe Association had been used for a long time as a boat house as well, with starting points to row along the waterfront Moszkva promenade. However, the latter were closed […]

Facing the River Moldau

The Revitalization of the Quay of Prague Architect: Petr Janda Text: Györg Szegő The city of Prague made a decision about the revitalization of the quay section named Naplavka located appr. 4 kilometres away from the “Dancing House” designed by Frank O. Gehry and his team in 1996 . The lower quay, formerly receiving ship […]

Two Schemes for the Prison Block in Debrecen

Debrecen University, Master Training Concept and text: Angéla Soltész, Tünde Zahari Consultants: Ferenc Keller, Péter Kovács DLA One of the half-term design tasks for the 2019 Master Training of Debrecen University was to plan the prison block of the city located in the south-eastern part of the Inner City, next to the Great Railway Station. […]

A hiány reménye

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Hungarian.

Iván Kotsis Medal 2019: János Golda

Association of Hungarian Architects, Budapest, 17 December 2019 Text: Tamás Czigány Photo: Ildikó Fazekas / MÉSZ The Iván Kotsis medal was founded in 1989 by the Association of Hungarian Architects on the initiative of the namesake’s disciples and reverents. This recognition is awarded annually based ont he recommendations of a team of professional curators for […]

Young Architects’ Generation 2019

Contest and travelling exhibition Text and photo: András Borsos “young architects’ generation” contest and travelling exhibition has been organized by the Association of Hungarian Architects since 2006 every other year initiated by dr. Gábor Reischl, formerly the chairman of Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ). It is targeted to present the best achievements of young Hungarian […]