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Aktuális lapszám
Café As. The Survival of Simon Wiesenthal
Jüdisches Museum Wien, 29 May – 12 January 2020 Photos: Jüdisches Museum Wien Simon Wiesenthal is known today as that man who devoted his life to justice for the victims of the Shoah. His profession as an architect, which he pursued until his persecution by the Nazi regime, has largely been forgotten. During his internment […]
Hans Hollein unpacked: The Haas-Haus
SammlungsLab #4 Az Wien, 13 June – 19 August 2019 Photos: Az Wien Even before and during its construction the Haas-Haus directly opposite St. Stephen’s Cathedral caused many a controversy. On the occasion of Hans Hollein’s (1934-2014) 85th birthday we open up his archives and offer insight into the conception of what is probably his […]
In memoriam Majoros Gábor (1947-2019)
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Máriási Masznyik Iván kiállítása
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Trust Your Architects!
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Frida országa
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Cságoly Ferenc: Építészet és kultúra II.
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MÉSZ Conference 2019
Association of Hungarian Architects, Károly Kós Auditorium 27 May 2019 The Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ) held its annual conference in the Architects’ House. Members of the board – János Golda, Gábor Zoboki and Csaba Nagy – gave an account of the activities of the Association in the past year. László Mikó presented a summary […]
Ten years of FUGA
Anniversary Festival, July-September 2019 FUGA Budapest Architecture Centre celebrates the 10th anniversary of its inauguration on October 1st, 2019. with aan appropriate series of large-scale events to commemorate the significant date. The introductory programme starts mid-summer with an exhibition of architectural designs and models housed in every room of the house. The exhibition opens on […]
Culture Factory Project, Ózd
Fiabci Award 2019 Organised for the 70th occasion, the FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence World Gold Winner prize went to an entry submitted in the „Heritage” category by Forum Hungaricum Nonprofit Ltd. titled Culture Factory Project Ózd. Read more about the project
The Gold Medal of the Hungarian Arts Academy 2019: Barnabás Winkler
Barnabás Winkler DLA, an architect who is also the holder of the Ybl and Príma prizes and a lecturer with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics is an excellent architect awarded several prizes, the author of a number of architectural books, monographies and studies on urban architecture. The designs of the Architectural Museum and […]