Fates in Shadows

Memorial of Forced Labourers in Teleki Square Sculptor: Dan Reisinger Text: Hédi Szepes Photos: József Hajdú On April 17th, this work of art made by Dan Reisinger, a Hungarian-born artist and designer living in Israel to commemorate forced labourers dragged away from here in László Teleki Square, Józsefváros. The square itself has a symbolic significance. […]

Croissant from Pressburg

New Developments in Bratislava Text and photos: András Borsos Formerly a coronation centre, Bratislava shows a new face now in the 21st century. Citydwellers commemorate their age-old ceremonies, but are also proud of their contemporary city. They like walking along the promenade on the Danube bank, looking up at skyscrapers, and visit the comprehensive contemporary […]


Hungarian Pavilion at Leipzig Book Fair Architects: sporaarchitects Text: Péter Mátrai Photos: Balázs Danyi The Hungarian Pavilion at the International Book Fair in Leipzig focussed on a current topic of Hungarian literature, much in the same way it previously has: namely, the success of György Dragomán’s novel in Germany titled Máglya (Stake). The design by […]

Ray in the Depth

NRHT Showroom, Bátaapáti Architects: Dorottya Gőz, Abdel Rahim Chehadé Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Based in Bátaapáti, NRHT, which is the short for National Radioactive Waste Store, has a visitors’ centre which was completed in 2015 as an extension of the original complex. Its designs truly reflected the atmosphere of the facility located in […]

The Strength of Stone

Remodelling of a Residential Building, Tihany Architect: László Mikó Text: Gábor Kerner Photos: János Szentiváni Built in the 1930s, the main structure with a saddle roof as well as its exterior is defined by masonry built from quarry stone originating from Tihany. Viewed from the street, the plinth of the fence and its pillars are […]

Luther Chapel

Pestszentlőrinc Concept: András Krizsán The Association of Hungarian Architects (Magyar Építőművészek Szövetsége, MÉSZ) elected András Krizsán as its new chairman at the general assembly of the organisation on June 6th, 2016. The new vice chairmen to support his activities are György Kerekes, János Golda and Gábor Zoboki, whilst new members of the management are Csaba […]

Zaubergarten – Magic Garden

Family Kindergarten, Switzerland Concept: Tamás Lévai, Ágnes Jószai Evoking the world of Daniel Defoe’s famous novel, the garden enveloped in a lush garden was designed by Tamás Lévai and Ágnes Jószai for an international design contest. The scheme had a fresh and different approach to the basic issues ofr how we think of buildings with […]

Eye to Eye

Jewish Cultural Centre, Szombathely Curator: Krisztina Kelbert Design: Ferenc Kassai “It is impossible but necessary, and therefore possible in spite of all (that is, incompletely).” Georges Didi-Huberman wrote this in his book on whether the Holocaust can be explained, written about and understood. This paradoxical aphorism condenses the ‘inexpressible yet expressible’ horrors of the Holocaust. […]

Form Art

Two exhibitions in Vienna Klimt, Kupka, Picasso and Others – Form Art Belvedere, 10 March – 19 June 2016 In the late nineteenth century, art based on form took on specific significance in the Danube Monarchy. Subsuming almost an entire cultural region, “form art” was the expression of a special insight and of a collective […]

Drafting Modernism – Rudolf Weiss

Wien Museum, 14 April – 18 September 2016 Otto Wagner’s master class at the Academy of Fine Arts was the most important laboratory of architectural modernism in fin-de-siècle Vienna. Wagner and his students created visionary designs for an architecture of the future, founding an aesthetic that was rigourously functional and firmly grounded in the materials […]

By the Danube

Yearbook of the BME Doctoral School of Architecture, 2014-2015 BME, 2015, editor: Levente Szabó At the end of the 2014-2015 school year, not only the thematic year with the motto ‘By the Danube’ was closed but also the first five years of the new operation system of the Doctoral School of Architecture, which was launched […]

Ferenc Vámossy: Hungarian Architecture in the 20th Century

Values of our Heritage 1902–2002. I. Volume Tarsoly Publisher, 2015, 276 page, editor: Erzsébet F. Vámossy, Mária Tatai In this monograph Ferenc Vámossy examines the Hungarian architecture of the 20th century focusing on the interaction between heritage and renewal. The focal point is to understand and present the architectural values, to examine the social background […]