Editors: O. Ecker Judit, Oltvai Andrea Chamber of Hungarian Architects, Budapest 2015, 112 page The book presenting Edit Lőrinczi interior designer’s oeuvre is the third volume in the series edited by the Interior Design Division of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects – after István Németh (2009) and Sándor Mikó (2011). Authors: József Finta, Éva Kiss, […]
Aktuális lapszám
Balázs Halmos – Katalin Marótzy: Műemlék, rajz, kutatás
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2015 The book edited by Balázs Halmos and Katalin Marótzy presents the results of the 13 year long research at the St. Michael Cathedral in Gyulafehérvár made by students of the Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The book […]
Városliget – Város – Vár
Hungarian Society for Urban Planning, 2015 According to the Liget Budapest project the Városliget – Város – Vár book published by the Hungarian Society for Urban Planning accumulate several statements, conferences, lectures, professional and public discussions on the architectural competitions, results, cultural, commercial and social effects, and of course the continous twists accompany the project.
Makovecz 80
International Conference Vigadó, Budapest, 23 November 2015 Text: György Szegő Photos: Magyar Művészeti Akadémia, Mátyás Szöllősi The official title of the conference is „The international impact and reception of the oeuvre of Imre Makovecz”. Reaching well beyond this actual topic, the event was the ceremony of commemoration and also the name-giving ceremony of a most […]
Makovecz Imre. Tervek, épületek, írások 2002-2011
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Piran Celebrtating Architecture
Piranesi Award 2015 Text and photos: Péter Kovács In 2015 Piran Days of Architecture, 58 projects were exposed at Piranesi exhibition, 38 architectural projects were nominated by the national selectors from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia, and 20 students’ projects were nominated by students’ selectors from Faculties of Architecture from […]
Santiago Calatrava
European Prize for Archutecture 2015 Text: Eszter Götz One of the world’s foremost visionary, utopian, and iconic architects today, Santiago Calatrava Valls, has been named as this year’s recipient of the European Prize for Architecture, awarded by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design, together with The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and […]
The Gospel of Hands
Sarepta Lutheran Home for the Elderly, Budapest Architect: András Krizsán Text: Anna Zöldi Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Taking care of people who are multiply disabled, Sarepta Home for the Elderly had a predecessor institute founded and managed by Gábor Sztehlo from 1951. An evangelical pastor himself who had saved the lives of many and was awarded […]
Contemporary cour d’honneur
Tenement House, Budapest Architect: Jenő Kajdócsi Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Spreading from Tabán as far as Vérmező, Pauler Street runs along a mostly landscaped area of Budapest as an axis. When viewed from the pavement the strength of the new tenement block appears as if the street front folded in. What we can […]
A House beneath the Cliffs
A Detached Family House, Veszprém – House of the Year, Special Award 2015 Architects: Zsolt György Kovács, Jana Beránková, Dávid Kovács Text: Tamás Ulrich Photos: Dávid Kovács The site is one of the most beautiful one in Veszprém, considering both natural features and its built environment made up of protected historic buildings. It is located […]
Positive Energy
Hoval Showroom, Veresegyház Architects: Zsolt Alexa, Donát Rabb, Ákos Schreck Text: Sándor Csontó Photos: Tamás Török Veresegyház has evolved into one of the most dynamically developing settlements in the region which is primarily a result of its systematic management. At first sight, the renewed home of LZ Thermotrade Ltd. impresses us as a firmly established, […]
The Space of Emptiness
The Sanctuary of the Basilica in Pannonhalma Architects: Katalin Csillag, Zsolt Gunther Text: Vilmos Katona Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Having undergone a longish transformation, the basilica of Pannonhalma opened its gates three years ago to the public. The transformation in itself in a purist way returned to the layered medieval frame which has come to the […]