A Lánchíd alakváltozásai

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In Norwegian Landscapes

Hunting High and Low DAM, Frankfurt, 14 September 2019 – 19 January 2020 Photos: DAM A tradition in Norwegian architecture emphasizes tactile and spatial experiences and reflects the relationship between buildings and landscape. Sensitivity to place, experimental tectonics and profound attention to detail characterize the tradition. Norwegian architecture is challenged by new dense urban development […]


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A rajztól az installációig

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COVER /// AGE – 2nd National Salon of Architecture

Kunsthalle, Budapest, 26 April – 25 August 2019 Photos: Műcsarnok, Béla Ilovszky / theater.hu In the last five years the Műcsarnok has served as the venue for the National Salons, which have attracted significant interest from professional circles and the lay audience alike. Every year the fresh achievements of another genre are presented. In 2019 […]

Light Architecture

Kunsthalle, Budapest, 5 July – 25 August, 2019 Photo: Zsolt Hlinka The installation visualises the conception of architectural form abstractly, in a special light matrix. Thanks to the semi-virtual display, the movement of space can be perceived and the successive metamorphoses of the spaces can also be understood: visitors can experience symbolically and physically the […]