Ybl’s Opera House Kiscell Museum, 10 October 2014 – 18 January 2015 Text: Pál Ritoók Photos: BTM Kiscell Museum The exhibition focuses on the original architectural drawings of the famous Neo-Renaissance building and also presents its innovations in the technical fields. „Theatrical works” should fulfill a number of technical requirements; numerous equipments and machines are […]
Ötvözés és kísérletezés
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Everyman Theatre
Everyman Theatre, Liverpool Winner of the RIBA Stirling Prize 2014 Architect: Haworth Tompkins Photo: Philip Vile The new Everyman feels like a found space. It draws on the themes and ideas of Haworth Tomkins’ previous theatre work at Royal Court and Young Vic. Here all is a new-build, yet it has the ambience of an […]
Reality and Virtual Space
320° Light, Gasometer Oberhausen, 11 April – 30 December 2014 Design: URBANSCREEN Photos: Thomas Machoczek, Wolfganz Voltz, Thomas Wolf The artistic climax of the exhibition is the “320° Light” installation by the group of artists URBANSCREEN from Bremen. It takes the cathedral-like beauty of the Gasometer as the starting point for a fascinating game with […]
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I. Építészeti Nemzeti Szalon. 100% Kreativitás – Katalógus
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Gaudí. Architecture Ahead of its Time
An exhibition coordinated by the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Az Wien, 2 October – 2 November 2014 The work of Antoni Gaudí is widely known by the general public and acclaimed and esteemed by the international expert world. UNESCO has declared many of his buildings part of the world cultural heritage. However, the […]
Berlin így emlékezik
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Line and Shape
100 Master Drawings from the Leopold Collection Leopold Museum, Vienna, 23rd of May to 20th of October 2014 The collection of the Leopold Museum Private Foundation comprises approximately 5.400 works. 3.400 of these are works on paper, predominantly watercolors and drawings. Already in 2010 the Leopold Museum showed a representative selection of the Leopold Collection’s […]
A periféria archeológiája
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Fleeing into Community
Architecture/education 2014, the Conference of MMA and MÉSZ, 2014 June 11 Text and photos: Dominika Vámos The Hungarian Academy of Arts and the Association of Hungarian Architects organized a conference early this summer titled „Architecture/education 2014” which has proven to be surprisingly dynamic, spectacular and cheerful. This is most probably the result of an efficient […]
Vizek, fények, színek
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