New Ones on the Site

Reconstruction and Extension Project, Szolnok Artists’ Colony Architects: Árpád Álmosdi, Mónika Csendes Text: Nóra Ostoróczky Photos: Ártér Architects The Artists’ Colony in Szolnok is undergoing extensive changes affecting daily life, which means that two existing strudio houses have been reconstructed and the complex with a unique atmosphere is also being extended by adding new parts. […]

Museum Converted from a Lodge House

Freemasons’ s House, Oradea (RO) Architect: Ildikó Mitru Text: Noémi Lujza Fried As a result of a project of several years, the building housing the former King Ladislav Freemasons’ Lodge was renewed to contain a museum of freemasonry. The new centre of the King Ladislav Freemasons’ Lodge was completed in 1902 after designs by architects […]

Stone Walls Underground, Ruins Above

Exhibition Space, Tar Architect: Gábor Sisák Text: Anett Mizsei Photos: Zsolt Hlinka This exhibition space was created by using the ruins of a 5000-year-old mansion to survey the medieval local legend. Located among the hills, the former mansion was destroyed in the mid-1500s and the site was surveyed by archaeologists in the 1980s. The only […]

It is Exactly What it is

Urbán House, Etyek Architects: Imre Bődi, Zsolt Frikker Text: Levente Szabó Photos: Zsolt Frikker   Located on Etyek-Öreghegy, Urbán house has a simple function: a service building for the events which are organised by Etyeki Kúria in the temporarily used tent next to it or on the site. The building has been reborn by utilizing […]

Architectural Dialogue

Mansion on Svábhegy Architects: László Földes, Dániel Laczó Text: Anna Zöldi Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Designed by László Földes and Dániel Laczó, this mansion is located along a relatively busy road, Originally built for several cohabiting generations, it is only the ground floor which is being used now, and the future of the other storeys is […]

Sweet Home

Detached House, Budapest Architect: Eszter Dénes Text: Sándor Csontó Photos: Zsófia Kedves Located on Aranyhegy in District 3 of Budapest, this detached family house has a neighbourhood where formerly there had been resort sites used for gardening and growing fruits. These lots have been developed into residential zones since the 90s rapidly. Nearby there are […]

Ideas Springing from Gaps of Thoughts

Detached House, Feleac (RO) Architect: Gábor Tóthfalusi Text: Gábor Erhardt Photos: István Bíró Located near Cluj-Napoca, Feleac is a settlement highly popular among young families moving away from towns and cities. For the site on the northern slope of the village with a full panoramic view of Cluj-Napoca, architect Gábor Tóthfalusi designed a high-standard classic […]

New in Body Only

Reconstruction of Károly Kós Well-House and Resort, Kászonjakabfalva (RO) Architect: Győző Esztány Text: Anthony Gall Photos: Győző Esztány, István Szigeti Vajk Designed by Károly Kós, the Pán well-house is located in Seklerland Kászoni Valley and was built for the former senior GP of Sepsiszentgyörgy, Dr. Kristóf Fogolyán almost 100 years ago. The site has been […]

Pyramids Upside Down

Matamoro Market, Mexico Architects: Colectivo 733 Text: György Szegő Photos: Rafael Gamo Mexico-based Colectivo C733 has completed a public market that features prefabricated triangular-trapezoidal umbrellas on the roof to gain daylight and facilitate warm air escape through these giant roof modules in Mexico City. The 2,868-square metre market is located at a residual plot of […]

Essential Contents

Lutheran Church, Budakeszi Architect: László Benczúr Text: Tamás Kiss Photos: József Hajdú The Lutheran Congregation held it very first mass in November 2020 in its newly inaugurated church in Budakeszi. The exterior features simple, purely spatial geometrical components and a rational spatial configuration. A formative element of the composition is the terracotta-coloured oval-shaped plastered prism […]

The Nature Of Time

Water-Powered Saw Mill Visitors’ Centre, Ívó, Seklerland (RO) Architect: Köllő Miklós Text: Anthony Gall Photos: Zoltán-Levente Erős, Vajk-István Szigeti, Miklós Köllő (Larix Studio) In Seklerland, located on the western side of the Madaras Harghita of Madaras, there is a water-powered sawmill with a visitors’ centre besides Ivó stream, in the centre of the village Ivó. […]

Without Fences

Poplar Residential Community, Zsámbék Architects: Dorottya Gőz, Chehadé Abdel Rahim (Amoeba Group) Text: Szilvia Molnár  Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky   Located near Budapest, in Poplar Residential Community 6,000 square metres have been developed to contain13 single-storey detached family hopuses on a flat terrain between 2017 and 2020. Houses of two typologies, or more precisely, with two […]