Food Industry Training Workshop, Karcag Architect: Gábor Csanády Text: Levente Móré Photos: Gábor Csanády Restrained and symmetrical organisation matched with pleasant rhythm features the new food industry plant of the Karcag-based Sámuel Szentannai vocational school designed by Gábor Csanády, who respected architectural traditions of the Great Hungarian Plain whilst blending it with contemporary characteristics easy […]
Medical Center, Budapest, Kőbánya Architects: Roberta Horváth, Erzsébet Mészáros Text: Tamás Ulrich Photos: Erzsébet Mészáros In the former industrial area of Budapest, in Kőbánya, there are rather abandoned industrial halls, warehouse buildings and office buildings of disappeared and disappeared companies. Within the framework of the Kőbánya Municipality’s office renovation program, the reconstruction of the building […]
Schools and Slaps
Federal High School, Aspern Architects: Fuchs & Fuchs Architekten Text: György Szegő Photos: Hertha Hurnaus, Paul Ott Aspern Federal School is located in the largest urban expansion district in the northeast of Vienna, where the provided infrastructure should correspond to the criteria of sustainability. According to the progressive competition programme the Federal Ministry of Education […]
Exemplary Architecture with Versatile Contents
Puskás Arena, Budapest Architect: György Skardelli Text: György Szegő Photos: György Palkó Recently inaugurated, Puskás Arena in Budapest impresses us from afar as an enormous heterogenuous sculpture which first seems to be a monolith evoking antique associations, but then on a closer inspection reveals the sophisticated lacy concrete tracery of the original structure. Architect György […]
The Circle Meaning a Whole World
Debrecen International School Architect: Péter Bordás Text: Dávid Bán Photos: György Palkó Located on the outskirts of Debrecen, the International School designed by BORD Architects is gently trying to loosen up the framework of traditional school systems, an ambition reflected in its designs treating it freely and more transparently. The management of the city made […]
The Reconstruction of Gergely Csiky Theatre, Kaposvár Architects: Krisztina L. Balogh, Iván Halas, Ifj. Ferenc Lőrincz Text: György Szegő Photos: Ifj. Ferenc Lőrincz The theatre building of Kaposvár is an outstanding work of Hungarian Art Nouveau. Built in 1911, it has been rated as an excellent building of the style in Hungary ever since. Its […]
Silent Architecture
Nevill Holt Opera, Leicestershire, Great Britain Architect: Witherford Watson Mann Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Jim Stephenson / Architects Journal The current owner of the old castle of Nevill Holt bought the house in 2000 and has spent the last 12 years on its restoration. Under the ownership of David Ross, Nevill Holt has become known […]
The Beauty of Városliget
Millennium House, Budapest Architects: Csaba Nagy, Károly Pólus Text: Sándor Csontó Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The reconstruction of the former Olof Palme House, one of the oldest historic buildings in the City Park has been completed within the framework of Liget Budapest Project. Beautifully facelifted, it now welcomes visitors as the Millennium House with an interactive […]
In the Background, in Balance
Agroverzum Visitors’ Centre, Martonvásár Architect: István Pálinkás Text: Zorán Vukoszávlyev Photos: József Hajdú The former Brunszvik–Dréher mansion in Martonvásár is one of the centres of today’s botanical research work. The development of the world-famed research institution is now realized after a carefully planned strategy, designs include the ceasure of the historical buildings utilization, which is […]
In a New Attire
Mimama’s Kitchen, Budapest Architect: Ifj. Zoltán Reznicsek Text: Tamás Kiss Photos: Wolfgang Croce Right next to the cold railway tracks winding in Kelenföld, Mimama’s kitchen is situated in a neutral industrial fabric of the city. Designs of the external architecture of the house has evolved from the concept of a symbolic monumental column the functions […]
Viewed from Three Aspects
Foliage Education Trail, Pannonhalma Architect: Péter Szabó Text: Anett Mizsei Photos: Balázs Danyi Supported by steel struts and columns, it “floats” with a dynamic sweep in the sea of foliages among the trees of the parkland. Although it is not a lookout in the ordinary sense of the word, it offers new prospects and views […]
Like Fish in the Water
Vizafogó Kindergarten, Budapest Architects: Csaba Nagy, Károly Pólus, Ágnes Tőrös Text: Sándor Csontó Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The local government commissioned Archikon Architects to design the extension and renovation of Vizafogó kindergarten with a capacity of 200 at the end of 2017. Surrounded by tower blocks now, it was opened 40 years ago as a single-storey […]