13 January 2015 – 1 March 2015 On its 150th anniversary Vigadó is offering a series of programs, including concerts, theatrical performances, literary events, exhibitions, progressing from 12 January through the Day of Hungarian Culture on 22 January until 20 February. The building’s predecessor, the Redoute and Vigadó originally was intended to be a Ballroom […]
A Pathetic Venture
Cultural Centre, NyÃregyháza Architect: Ferenc Bán Text: Levente Szabó Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky It is quite difficult to place Ferenc Bán’s oeuvre in trends, as it features major and significant buildings as well as several schemes which have remained in blueprint and winning designs submitted for tenders besides experimental concepts. The finished buildings are self-evidently authentic […]
A City is Born
Nanshan Cultural and Sports Centre, Art Museum China Architects: Gábor Zoboki, Nóra Demeter Text: Anna Zöldi Photos: Tiani Wei, Zang Chao A team of Hungarian architects completed a development in China which goes far beyond the most ambitious visions in Hungary owing to its grand scale. Zoboki-Demeter Architects were commissioned to design both the complex […]
Towards the Future
Primary School and Music School, Szigetszentmiklós Architect: Barnabás Winkler Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Zsolt Batár Situated in the agglomeration of the capital, Szigetszentmiklós is the most rapidly developing town neighbouring Budapest. On the outskirts of the town a kindergarten and a sports hall was built in 2012, whilst in autumn 2014 children could take possession […]
Tradition and Zeitgeist
A Detached Family House in Szentendre Architect: Péter Borbás Text: Krisztián Dudics Photos: László Beliczay Sitting on the slope of Szamárhegy on a narrow strip of land wedged between two zigzagging streets, there had been a small dilapidated house when Péter Borbás and his family bought the lot to build their own home. Szentendre and […]
Stay on the Ground – Let your Mind Rise
Architectural Contest for Athenaeum, Philadelphia, 2014, 3rd prize Concept and text: Dániel Palotai Libraries of the future would have to fulfil variable needs of locals offering indoor and outdoor spaces to education, recreation and community projects. These institutions would connect everyday life activities as a place between home and work, especially in the case of […]
Conservation in the region of the River Dráva
The First Stage of the Reconstruction of Calvinist Churches Architects, text and photos: Dániel Rabb, Péter Rabb The project of reconstructing the Calvinist church started in 2011. This was the time when it turned out that the conditions of these churches badly deteriorated and were damaged by insects to such an extent that their wooden […]
The Promised Land
Silesia Museum, Katowice Archtiects: Florian Riegler, Roger Riewe Text: György SzegÅ‘ Photos: Riegler Riewe Architekten Founded in 1924 as a project of European cooperation, the Silesia Museum enlivened and moved in the ruins of the area formerly occupied by heavy industry. The model it was built after was the region-scale revitalisation concept which gave a […]
Gyökerek és ágak
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Ways to Modernism
Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos, and Their Impact MAK, Vienna, 17 December 2014 – 19 April 2015 The exhibition presents a contrasting selection of works from two pioneers of Modernism, complete with historical background and examples of their impact extending up to the present day. Josef Hoffmann (1870–1956) and Adolf Loos (1870–1933) were the most important […]
Frames of Color – The Emergence of the Polychromatic City
Lechner in Paris Text: Barry Bergdoll Ödön Lechner’s highly original corpus of work in the 1890s and opening years of the twentieth century is so associated with the notion of Secessionist departure from tradition and with the folk art infused art nouveau practices of other designers – like Antonio Gaudi in Catalonia or Lars Sonck […]
Ödön Lechner, the Architect of the Modernization Period
National Style in Europe Text: Ilona Sármány-Parsons The attempts made by Ödön Lechner to create a genuinely Hungarian architectural style has been the topic of heated theoretical debates for over a century now. It encourages each generation to try to realize Lechner’s dream from time to time, but in turn, these efforts tend to generate […]