Founded in 1953 and reformed in 1992, Miklós Ybl Prize was awarded on occasion of the celebations on search 15th. It is the most prestigious architectural recognition in Hungary, which is awarded to professionals active in the construction and formation of the environment combined with the protection of values.
Spring Architectural Festival in the Year Dedicated to Steindl
On March 2nd this year’s Spring Architectural Festival was opened with the UIA conference held in the houses of Parliament and on March 3rd with the International Architectural Congress of MÉSZ. The conference was greeted
by Dr. László Kövér, the chairrman of the parliament, Géza Szőcs state secretary of culture and Prof. Deniz Incedayi, the vice-president of UIA Region II.
Photographer of our review among the best
Of the 112,000 photos submitted for the Sony World Photography Awards 2011 the series about the construction of M4 metro line station at Fővám Square by Tamás Bujnovszky was selected among the finalists in the category of art and
A HUNGEXPO Zrt. és a Magyar Urbanisztikai Tudásközpont, mint társszervezÅ‘ új kiállÃtást indÃtottak URB:ICON elnevezéssel. A nemzetközi városfejlesztési kiállÃtás és projektvásár célja, hogy lehetÅ‘séget biztosÃtson az önkormányzatoknak és a kapcsolódó vállalkozásoknak projektjeik bemutatására.
The First Step
The revitalization of areas once used for military purposes involves special challenges within the chapter of architectural recycling. The loss of function, the abandonment offers the freedom of brown field industrial areas for investors, but the typical spatial system of the buildings or the
embedding of the areas into the fabric of the city pop questions to be answered.
The House of Hidden Sounds
In the section of Wesselényi Street near the boulevard passers-by would only notice that the streetscape is a bright one – a neo-classicist building has been restored to its original beauty in an exemplary project after being neglected for decades.
Service instead of Self-expression
The church is an undivided space of a single powerful gesture which because of its proportions, light conditions, building materials and items of furnishing is both simple and elevated, functional and timeless, accidental and ambitioning to perfection.
Layers from the Past, Made of Stone and Wine
The elongated house is finely nested in the hillside. The laden stone wall appears as the continuation of medieval walls, whilst the thick stone lane of the cornice line acts an emphasized borderline sort of
finishing the past, whereas the lanes of the stone slabs of the shell structure is a continuation of it.
A Point of Intersection
With motor traffic towards the sea, a nearby shopping centre, the industrial park and a cheap hotel, the parking lot and the periphery of the horizon the eastern margins of the town do not offer very attractive environmental conditions to designers. Paul Dillon and Zsolt Zsuffa, however, relied upon the fact that there is no room for adjustment here.
A School on Sick Leave
Most, amikor az EU és Magyarország közötti pénzügyi kapcsolatok a média fÅ‘cÃmeiben szerepelnek, kisebb hangsúlyt kap egy-egy önkormányzat – gyakran presztÃzsberuházásként fÅ‘tér-rekonstrukcióra költött –, nagyrészt hitelbÅ‘l finanszÃrozott fejlesztése. Vannak értelmes projektek is, például a Zala megyei Gelsén.
The Metamorphosis of Space
A várost épÃtészeti értelemben soha nem tekinthetjük örök, statikus, megváltoztathatatlan egységnek, hiszen az az idÅ‘ben folyamatosan változó utcák és terek valamint az ezeket határoló épületek, térfalak összessége. Az épÃtész feladata, hivatása, hogy fizikai keretet adjon a létnek, az emberi tevékenység kifejtéséhez szükséges meghatározott méretű tereket hozzon létre…
Hall with a Clock Tower
The large-scale public domain development in Dabas was completed last year. Several public buildings eceived a facelift, new public domains were created, a liveable inner town was born. In December the new market hall opened its gates as a component of the finishing phase of the project.