For the second time, Media Architecture Biennale Awards were given will to outstanding projects at the intersection of architecture, media and interaction design. This happened at an award ceremony at Aarhus City Hall on November 21, 2014. Winner Animated Architecture: Energy Tower Façade Lighting (Denmark) The façade is designed by Erick van Egeraat and consists […]
Everyman Theatre
Everyman Theatre, Liverpool Winner of the RIBA Stirling Prize 2014 Architect: Haworth Tompkins Photo: Philip Vile The new Everyman feels like a found space. It draws on the themes and ideas of Haworth Tomkins’ previous theatre work at Royal Court and Young Vic. Here all is a new-build, yet it has the ambience of an […]
MÉK-MÉSZ Diplom Award 2014
Results of the Diplom Award competition of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects and the Association of Hungarian Architects Grand Prix of GRAPHISOFT: Edit Zita Csaba , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Architecture PIlgrim Lodge in Vértesszentkereszt Diplom Award – supported by hte DesignSoft Kft.: Zsófia Kóthay , Budapest University of Technology and […]
Tájregeneráció a Holcim világversenyén
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Chief Architects’ Awards 2014
Professional recognitions are precious gestures. They are valuable for those awarding and receiving them. To express their honour, chief architects in Hungary decided to reward those chief architects whose remarkable activities are exemplary for both their fellows and everyone working in the field of architecture in the widest sense of the word, proving that those […]
State Awards – 20 August 2014
On the occasion of the State Foundation Celebrations on 20 August 2014, State Awards went to Sándor Keresztes, Ervin Nagy and Zoltán Wittinger architects.
Csonka Pál emlékérem 2014
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A Smart City Lab Budapest dÃjazottjai
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Csonka Pál-érem átadási ünnepség
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Memorial Park, Devecser
Annual Award for Landscape Architects 2014, the special award of the jury’s chairman Text, design and photos: Mária Drobni, István Morvay On October 4th, 2010, the day after the local elections the dam of the reservoir for red sludge belonging to the alumina plants in Ajka broke and the highly toxic industrial waste flooded the […]
Vedres György Prize 2014
Csaba Valkai – Kékvölgy Waldorf School György Vedres Award honours Hungarian architects under 40 with significant public buildings completed before 31. 12. 2011. The award is named after György Vedres, Ybl Award winner architect. In 2014 the Vedres György Prize goes to: Csaba Valkai, the architect of the new building of Kékvölgy Waldorf School in […]
Ybl Miklós Prize 2014
Ybl Bicentenary, National Opera House Since its foundation in 1953, the prize named after Miklós Ybl was now, in 2014 for the first time handed over in the Budapest Opera House, one of the most significant buildings of the architect to János Jánosi, András Kováts, Péter Pottyondy, Ferenc Potzner, Tihamér Szalay, György SzegÅ‘, Judit Anna […]