Public vote on Public vote on has started! You can add your vote in two categories: building and design. The finals of the publi vote will be held on the prize giving ceremonyon 16 October 2015 in the Urania National Film Theatre. Building category Design category
urb/doconf 2015
Facing Post-War Urban Heritage in Central-Eastern Europe 9 October 2015, Budapest, Hungary The first doctoral conference organised by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). Throughout Europe, current urban challenges are posed by large-scale ensembles of modernity as a result of post-war development on both […]
Show off
Architect training in Debrecen Exhibition of the Department of Architecture of the University of Debrecen FUGA, Budapest, 10-24 September 2015 Opening: 2015. szeptember 10. 18.00 Greetings by Dr. habil Edit Szűcs dean Opening speech by Prof. Ferenc Cságoly DSc architect Realted programs: 17 September 2015 The status of the architect traning in Hungary – Roundtable […]
A csend – 9. Szakrális ÉpÃtész-BelsőépÃtész Konferencia
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Sustainable Urban Development
HuGBC Conference Budapest, 16 September 2015 The one-day event, held on the 16th of September, will focus on the question of turning the attention of local decision makers towards sustainability. One of the most important challenges of our age is to encourage local govenments and decision making systems towards a sustainable approach. Although Hungarian settlements […]
Cooperation Reaching Beyond Frontiers
The Management of MÉSZ in Gyula and Arad Text: Rita Szabó Photos: Péter Hegedűs The management of MÉSZ (the Association of Hungarian Architects) held its touring meeting in Gyula this June. The programme outlined by chairman László György Sáros DLA emphasized the importance of building closer relations with the countryside and encouraging the foundation and […]
Hello Wood a Művészetek Völgyében
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ÉpÃtészet a Művészetek Völgyében
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XX. Országos FőépÃtészi Konferencia
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VÃzparti tájépÃtészet konferencia
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Praxismodellek – okos épÃtészet konferencia
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KASZ+ 2015
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