The 12th Session of the Europan Competition is being launched on the 18th of march 2013 in 16 countries on 51 sites. The Hungarian site deals with the complex environmental design of the Rákos Creek In Zugló, Budapest. The Municipality of Zugló Budapest XIV. district and the Secretariat of EUROPAN Hungary invites you to Lipták Villa…
Medal for Hungarian Architecture
Prize-giving Ceremony
Association of Hungarian Architects,12 February 2014, 2 pm
The Medal for Hungarian Architecture 2013 goes to:
Péter Pásztor architect
Béla Lajta (Masters of Architecture)
Béla Lajta (Maters of Architecture) book presentation
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
19 February 2014, 17.30
Editors: János Gerle, Tamás Csáki
Holnap Publisher, 2013
Critical Urban Research
Book Presentation
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 14 February 2014, 17.30
Critical Urban Research
Editors: Csaba Jelinek, Judit Bodnár, Márton Czirfusz, Zoltán Gyimesi
L’Harmattan Publisher, 2014
Contemporary Challenges of the Church Architecture
Contemporary Challenges of the Church Architecture
Sapientia College, Budapest
26 February 2014, 4 pm
Lecturer: Vilmos Katona architect
Conference in Memory of Zoltán Szentkirályi
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp3. K épület 210.
6-7 February 2014
Architecture Biennale in Venice – Presentations
14th Architecture Biennale in Venice
Hungarian Pavilion
Presentations of the applicants
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 30 January 2014, 5 pm
Creative Industries in Central Europe
Innocities program will be born on 23rd January 2014 at this conference, organised by CEURINA Nonprofit Association, owner of the innocities program and Open Doors Public Benefit Association. Innocities connects people to connect their experiences, ideas, power, braveness, connections to make our cities a better place to live and work in.
Design Act
The exhibition Design Act – Socially Reforming Design in Lajos Kassák’s Work presents a selection of the Kassák Museum’s collection from the aspect of critical design theories. As a critical tool, design uses the mechanisms, logic and activity of planning and engineering, while keeping social responsibility, sustainability and the interests…
Héttorony Festival
The Héttorony Festival (Festival of the Seven Towers) is dedicated to the legacy of Imre Makovecz architect. The Hungarian Pavilion in Sevilla was opened 20 years ago – and this event provided the apropos of this years festival all around the Carpathian Basin. Concerts, exhibitions, lectures, architectural walks were held in Subotica, Makó, Csenger…
Bercsényi 28-30
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the periodical Bercsényi 28-30, former editors, authors, boarders and readers organised an exhibition in FUGA Budapest Architectural Centre to evoke the bygone scene and periodical of tolerated/prohibited architecture, fine arts, music, performance. A symposium was also held…
The City as Time Machine
The 7th edition of the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam (AFFR), the major festival in the field of film and architecture all over the world, will be held from 10 to 13 October. More than 100 films on current trends in urban design and architecture will be screened in the LantarenVenster cinema in Rotterdam, Holland. Disused buildings.