Urban Renewal Conference
24. 11. 2010.
International Conference of the Department of Urban Planning and Design and the Foundation for Urban Architecture
BME, 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.
World Architecture Day 2010
2010. október 4.
11:00 Év Háza dÃj átadása az ÉpÃtészek Házában
12:00 Visegrádi Négyek Családi Házai kiállÃtás megnyitója az ÉpÃtészek Házában
14:00 ÉpÃtészeti konferencia a FUGA Budapesti ÉpÃtészeti Központban
Bridges 2010
Visit of the delegates of Association of Hungarian Architects in Shanghai to build the professional cooperation on the field of architecture between Chinese and Hungarian contemporary architecture. The aim of the visit is to introduce Hungarian architecture and architecture offices to the Chinese architects and their professional organizations…
Bath-rescuer exhibition
Strandhotel Restaurant, Csillaghegy
27. 06. 2010 15:00
Etudes for Urban Places
Creative Week 2010
at the Department of Public Building Design
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
III. Graphisoft Architects’ Regatta 2010
Conference and sailing competition
4-6. June 2010.
Balatonlelle, Hungary, BL Yacht Club
(8638 Balatonlelle, Köztársaság street 36-38., Hungary)
Pollack Picnic Party
Exhibition on Pollack Mihály Square,
10-31. 05. 2010.
Imre Makovecz – Honorary Doctorate of La Sapienza
Architect Imre Makovecz received an honorary doctorate from Rome’s La Sapienza university in January. Italian architect Paolo Portoghesi lauded Makovecz in a speech that addressed the past and present of Hungarian architecture and Hungarian history.
Iván Kotsis: “My Biography”
Compared to its significance, the monumental oeuvre of Iván Kotsis is less widely known. The wider public – that is non-professionals with some architectural erudition – have probably heard of only one of his projects which does not even exist any more.
Architecture Today – Architecture and Context
Tamás Czigány
University of Pécs (PTE) Faculty of Engineering (PMMK)
Architecture Studio
Pécs, Rókus u. 2.
10. 05. 2010. 18:00
Architecture Today – Architecture and Context
Architecture Today – Architecture and Context
Lecture: Tamás Gettó
PTE-PMMK, ÉpÃtész-Stúdió
Pécs, Rókus utca 2.
Wiesenthal dÃj 2010
A Holocaust KözalapÃtvány alapÃtotta dÃjat 2008-tól azon személyek kapják, akik önzetlen önkéntes munkájukkal elÅ‘segÃtették a magyarországi holokauszt emlékének megÅ‘rzését. A kavics formájú, ezüstbÅ‘l készült emlékdÃjat Peter Vladimir tervezte. Az idén Göncz Ferenc iskolaigazgató és Winkler Barnabás épÃtész részesült a rangos elismerésben.