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Két épÃtészeti kiállÃtás Bécsben
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Tettek ideje. Lakhatási mozgalmak a 20. században
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Kik éltek, kik épÃtettek itt?
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Sajó István újrafelfedezése
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Peter Cook. Retrospective
Museum for Architectural Drawing, Berlin, 30 October 2016 – 12 February 2017 The exhibition Peter Cook. Retrospective is devoted to drawings by the famous British architect who is celebrating his 80th birthday this year. Peter Cook is without doubt one of the leading figures of the Archigram group and in 2007 was knighted for his […]
Piranesi Award 2016
Exhibition in FUGA, Budapest, 25 January – 13 February 2017 Text: Edit Pálinkás 56 projects were exposed at Piranesi exhibition 2016. 34 architectural projects were nominated by the national selectors from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia, and 22 students’ projects were nominated by students’ selectors from Faculties of Architecture from […]
Rerrich Béla emlékkiállÃtás
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Breuer – at Home Again
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, 8 December 2016 – 11 June 2017 Curators: Éva Horányi, Tamás Dévényi, Pál Ritoók Installation: Tamás Dévényi Thanks to the financial support of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank the conference table from the former furnishings of the New York office of the world-famous architect and furniture designer of Hungarian origin, Marcell […]
Ä°stanbul 100
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Utopias in Practice Conference
Association of Hungarian Architects, 16-17 January 2017 According to the exhibition ‘Utopias in Practice’ of Péter Mújdricza architect, a two-day conference was held in the headquarters of the Association of Hungarian Architects in Budapest. The lecturers approached the topic by several aspects, some of them were precticing architects, designers, technology experts, art historians, even the […]
Kósa Zoltán épÃtész kiállÃtása
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