Women Architects in the Socialist Era (1945–1989)

On a newly published collection of English-language essays Text: Béla Kerékgyártó How did they find their places and what was the role of women who were active as architects in the countries of the Socialist block? Was there any essential difference between West and East Europe in this regard? Edited by Mariann Simon and Mary […]

Henrieta Moravčíková: Friedrich Weinwurm Architect

Slovart, Bratislava, 375 page Text: Rudolf Klein Henrieta Moravčíková, professor of architectural history with the University of Technology in Slovakia published this bilingual (English- and Slovak) monography on the outstanding architecture of Modernism who lived and worked in Bratislava in the interwar period. Approximately half of the hardcover volume covers the resume of the architect […]

Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina

Dubravka Đukanović: Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina from 1699 to 1939 The Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Petrovaradin Novi Sad, 2015 The monograph „Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina from 1699 to 1939“ is a bilingual publication which presents the results of many years of research focused on the […]


​Builds ~ makes, does, constructs, creates, develops. However we try to describe it, the point is: building is an activity, strongly connected creating. We build and construct, not only with our hands, but with words. One way or another, we create something every day. But what do we build for others, with a socially engaged […]

Gábor Ébli: Museumania

European models for generating cultural experience L’Harmattan, 2016, 259 page The museum is power. Although it is a rather young cultural institution, especially compared to the theatre, which was already important in the antiquity, it has gained much significance during its 250 years of establishment. It functions as an academic institution, plays an important role […]

Ferenc Vámossy: Hungarian Architecture in the 20th Century

Values of our Heritage 1902–2002. I. Volume Tarsoly Publisher, 2015, 276 page, editor: Erzsébet F. Vámossy, Mária Tatai In this monograph Ferenc Vámossy examines the Hungarian architecture of the 20th century focusing on the interaction between heritage and renewal. The focal point is to understand and present the architectural values, to examine the social background […]

Architecture in Austria in the 20th and 21st centuries

Park Books – AZ Wien, 2016, 440 page Text: György Szegő Published more than a decade ago, the former “collection catalogue” of the Architekturzentrum (AZ) Wien gave a survey of 20th century architecture more than a decade ago. This edition of the same publication with the subtitle „in the 20th and 21st century reflects a […]

The Fifth Tree Ring

A Brief Survey 2015 – Restoring Historic Buildings in Pest County Text: Gábor Nagy The leaflet titled A Brief Survey (in Hungarian: Egy kis mustra) has been published now for the fifth time with the ambition to present restoration projects of historic buildings completed in the current year. Launched in 2011, the year when governmental […]

KÖZTI 66 / 42+24

The history of an architectural design company Text: György Szegő Photos: Fortepan The 2 volumes present the periods of a Hungarian architectural design company standing from 1949 up to the present days. Középülettervező Vállalat (KÖZTI, Public Building Design Company) had been a state-owned enterprise until 1949 until 1991 when it was privatized and incorporated. The […]