XIX. János Hild Urban Planning Conference

XIX. János Hild Urban Planning Conference
Change and Conformity in Urban Planning

Organized by the MUT Hungarian Society for Urban Planning
17-19 April 2013, Mosonmagyaróvár

Prize of Landscape Architect of the Year 2013

The aim of the Prize of Landscape Architect of the Year is to recognize active professionals who made outstanding and innovative work lately (in the last 5 years). The prize can be given to one, or two, or a team of landscape architects, appointed by a jury appointed in advance. Prize of Landscape Architect of the Year…

Global Impact Competition 2013

Singularity University is a real think-tank of Silicon Valley, which organizes 10+ Global Impact Competitions around the world. Since 2012 the Central-European region is on this virtual SU global map with the annual SUCEE Global Impact Competitions. GIC 2013 Winners: Aleksandra Orchowska (Poland) and Marton Juhasz (Hungary).

The Venice Architecture Biennale – in Hungary

The Hungarian exhibitions of the Venice Biennale are usually also shown to the Hungarian public after its closure. Previously they were housed by the University of Pécs, now by the Budapest-based FUGA Architectural Centre. According to the curators of the Hungarian exhibition, Bálint Bachmann and Balázs Markó the presence of standard…

Dagály Bath – Brainstorming Competition

Brainstorming competition for the facede of the Dagály Bath, Budapest
1138 Budapest, Népfürdő u. 36.
Organizers: Budapest GyógyfürdÅ‘i és Hévizei Zrt. and the Mayor’s Office of Budapest 13th District
Deadlline for entry submission: 17 July 2013

Dóra Mauer

5 out of 4
Vintage Gallery, 09. 04. – 31. 05. 2013
Opening on 9 April 2013, 6-8pm.
On view till 31 May 2013, Tuesday to Friday, 2-6pm.
Location: 1053 Budapest, Magyar utca 26.

Famous villas in Hungary

The Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ) invites you to the exhibition and book presentation of Famous villas in Hungary

18 April 2013, 14.00
Kós Károly Hall

Antoine Roegiers – Contemporary Medieval

Last year the Albertina began inviting artists at irregular intervals to take part in interventions in and at the palace. This new series will be continued this year. Anoine Roegiers already dealt with the great masters of Flemish painting and draughtsmanship in his previous works. Since 2011, he has been working on the cycle The Seven Deadly Sins…

Architect Studio House, Győr

Exhibition of the Department of Architecture of the Széchenyi István University, Győr
FUGA, Budapest, 12 April – 1 May 2013
Opening: 12 April 2013 6 p.m.
Opening speech by Ferenc Cságoly DLA, architect

Austrian Builder-Owner Award 2012

The Austrian Builder-Owner Award is one of Austria’s most prestigious architectural prizes. Presented by the Central Association of Austrian Architects since 1967, this annual award pays tribute to buildings and landscape architecture projects that stand out for their functionality, design and significance for the community…

Borsod 2050 – Go for it industrial landscape!

The exhibition highlights the industrial, natural and cultural values of the region Borsod along with inspiring examples for the potentials of our industrial heritage. Our goal is to keep emphasizing the preservation of values ​​and through visions and examples motivate, inspire, and build partnerships with other professions, civil society…


Budapest100 was launched by Open Society Archives and KÉK Contemporary Architecture Centre to celebrate 100-year-old buildings in Budapest together with volunteers, locals and residents. The open house weekend gives you the chance to visit not only well-maintained or historic buildings. The program aims at presenting…