Although building is one of the oldest occupations of mankind and architecture is regarded as the mother of arts, the architect’s work and the historical development of the profession are well-known only by a few. An extensive exhibition demonstrates the many changes of the occupational profile, from master builder to artist and from constructing engineer…
Architectural Photo Contest
This autumn the Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ), the Open Society of Architectural Photographers and the Hungarian Chamber of Architects jointly published the tender titled “The Architectural Photo of the Year”. Although there had been no tender in Hungary before with this title, it is far from being totally unprecedented…
Looking for YU
In the interwar period the central power supported the character, the supposed spirituality and the architectural equivalent of the „Yugoslavian ancient race” with neo-Byzantine motifs. Massive monuments, quasi-Byzantine public buildings were erected in the age of the Bauhaus. However, in practice the western and central part of the county…
Cézanne and the Past
In our exhibition we wish to present an overview of Paul Cézanne’s oeuvre and his approach to the past through some eighty to one hundred paintings, drawings and watercolours by the artist supplemented by thirty to forty works (paintings, sculptures, gypsum copies, prints and illuminated books) by sixteenth-nineteenth-century masters.
Druot, Lacaton & Vassal
Ha lerombolunk egy régi épületet és a helyére egy másikat húzunk föl, kortárs karakterrel, azzal semmit nem nyerünk – írta egy tanulmányában három világszerte ismert francia építész: Frédéric Druot, Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal.
World Models
What does the notion of the studio mean today? Is it the locus of artistic creativity, the most natural environment for experimenting and for the creative process? The mysterious place of the creation of the WORK? A refuge and a stage for private rites and rituals? A space consecrated by the artist’s presence, and the place of his or her everyday life…
Oscar T. Blanca
Az építészek talán egymást érthetik legjobban, akkor is ha írott gondolatokat közölnek. Üdítő élmény, ha a saját témánkban könnyed kézzel felvázolt, de mélyről fakadó gondolatokkal találkozhatunk: ez történik meg velünk Blanca esszéinek olvasásakor. A barcelonai építész ’magunkfajta’ esztétaként teríti elénk észleleteit, gondolatait, amelyek építészként…
In memoriam László Laczkovics
2012. november 7-én elhunyt Laczkovics László (1941-2012) Ybl díjas építész. 1969-től a KÖZTI tervezője. 1999-ben Pro Architectura díjjal ismerték el az általa tervezett vecsési falusi iskola épületét. Fontosabb művei: Paks, Tűzoltólaktanya
Oscar Niemeyer 1907 – 2012
2012. december 5-én elhunyt Oscar Niemeyer (1907 – 2012) világhírű brazil építész. Legismertebb épületei: Brazília világkiállítási pavilonja, New York, 1939; ENSZ székház, New York (Le Corbusierrel), 1952; Brazília város kormányzati épületei: Elnöki palota, 1959; Székesegyház, 1959
MÉSZ Bureau Meeting in Pécs
Bureau meeting of the Associoation of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ) in Pécs
10-11th January 2013
For the invitation of the South Transdanubian architects, the Association of Hungarian Architects visited Pécs in Januray 2013. The hosts of the event were the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pécs…
Subscription 2013
There is going to be some changes in our magazine from the year 2013. According to the new national support system we publish ten issues a year. For the annual subscription you can register in our website. Price for one issue: 950 HUF, price for annual subscription: 52 EUR
In memoriam László Hudec
László Ede Hudec (1893-1958) was an emblematic figure of the architecture of the 20th century in Shanghai. On 8th January memorial meeting held in his hometown, Banská Bystrica in the 120th anniversary of the architect’s birth. At the invitation of the Mayor Peter Gogola the event was attended by László Sáros DLA, president of the Association of Hungarian Architects…