10 Labyrinth

István Orosz
Poster exhibition

Gödöllő, GIM-House
24. 04. – 06. 06. 2010.

Exhibition of Archikon Architect Studio

Exhibition of Archikon Architect Studio
Vernissage: 26. 05. 2010. 18:00

N&n Gallery
Budapest, Hajós u. 39.

Pollack Picnic Party

Exhibition on Pollack Mihály Square,

10-31. 05. 2010.

Imre Makovecz – Honorary Doctorate of La Sapienza

Architect Imre Makovecz received an honorary doctorate from Rome’s La Sapienza university in January. Italian architect Paolo Portoghesi lauded Makovecz in a speech that addressed the past and present of Hungarian architecture and Hungarian history.

Iván Kotsis: “My Biography”

Compared to its significance, the monumental oeuvre of Iván Kotsis is less widely known. The wider public – that is non-professionals with some architectural erudition – have probably heard of only one of his projects which does not even exist any more.

Blues 2010

Frigyes KÅ‘nig’s interests are – simplified – representations of space, quasi-historical, archaic and reproductive representation, plastic representations of people. He explores basic visual problems, such as vision, proportions, different perspectives and how they alter what we see, in his works that are still autonym, and aesthetically valuable.

Chinese Art in Europe

Sit in China
An Excursion through 500 Years of the Culture of Sitting

Art for the Millions
100 Sculptures from the Mao Era

Architecture Today – Architecture and Context

Tamás Czigány
University of Pécs (PTE) Faculty of Engineering (PMMK)
Architecture Studio
Pécs, Rókus u. 2.
10. 05. 2010. 18:00

Boulle – A new Style for Europe

The first retrospective ever to be held about the most celebrated cabinetmaker of all time. Within a contextual presentation bringing together his works with highly important paintings, tapestries, bronzes and mounted porcelain, a captivating portrayal of the birth and flowering of a completely new aesthetical universe, which was to become the European model for centuries to come.

Architecture Today – Architecture and Context

Architecture Today – Architecture and Context

Lecture: Tamás Gettó
PTE-PMMK, Építész-Stúdió
Pécs, Rókus utca 2.

Szilágysági útirajzok

Wagner Péter
Szilágysági útirajzok 2008-2009

Tibor Ernő Galéria, Nagyvárad
megnyitó: 2010. április 25. 17 óra

Wiesenthal díj 2010

A Holocaust Közalapítvány alapította díjat 2008-tól azon személyek kapják, akik önzetlen önkéntes munkájukkal elősegítették a magyarországi holokauszt emlékének megőrzését. A kavics formájú, ezüstből készült emlékdíjat Peter Vladimir tervezte. Az idén Göncz Ferenc iskolaigazgató és Winkler Barnabás építész részesült a rangos elismerésben.