Wood in Estonian Architecture

Estonian Institute in Hungary FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 1-25 March 2018 The Estonian Forest and Wood Industries Association’s exhibition showcases the main building types, tendencies and most remarkable individual buildings of Estonian wood architecture. The exhibition spans several centuries, and provides an abundance of exiting examples of the various uses of wood in modern […]

Miklóssy Endre (1942–2018)

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Architectural Photography Award 2017 exhibition in Cracow

Galeria Architektury SARP, 6-16 March 2018 The travelling exhibition of Architectural Photography Award 2017 launched by the Association of Hungarian Architects and the Hungarian Architecture magazine arrived to Cracow. Bohdan Lisowski the director of the architectural gallery of SARP greeted the audience. The exhibition can be visited on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am […]

Architecture as a Social Value

Pro Architectura Award, Média Architectural Prize, Budapest Architecture Award In the autumn of 2017 four prestigious architectural prizes were awarded within a few weeks’ time which all reinforce the recognition of the profession by society, as well as the relationshop between architecture and the public. On October 31st, the Pro Architectura recognitions for popularizing Hungarian […]

East-West Passages

Towards an Integral History of Post-War Architecture in Europe Eds. Ákos Moravánszky – Torsten Lange – Judith Hopfengärtner – Karl R. Kegler: East West Central. Re-Building Europe 1950–1990. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag 2017, 3 volume) Text: Béla Kerékgyártó What was the link between the western and eastern halves of Europe which had been divided according to […]

Bonding Metaphors

Metaphors in Architecture and Urbanism. An Introduction Edited by Andri Gerber, Brent Patterson, Transcript Verlag, 2013 Text: Dániel Veress The book reviewed below is a gap-filler publication which we had waited for long. It is easy to see that metaphors are present everywhere in architecture (as well), and their presence is of course even more […]

Global Sphere: A World Exhibition in Kazakhstan

EXPO 2017, Astana, 10 June – 10 September 2017 Text and photos: Pál Lővei It is a unique experience to stand by a huge sphere but it is not a less impressive spectacle from a distance either: designed by the Chicago-based Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill the sphere pavilion has been the most powerful attraction […]

Vágó 140 – Schiffer 150

Architectural History Conference, 2017 Text: Zsuzsanna Ordasi On September 16th, a conference surveying a most significant chapter of 20th-century architectural history was held at No. 19/b Munkácsy Street in Schiffer Mansion, organised by Anikó Dvorszky and Zsuzsanna Ordasi. The lecturers commemorated architect József Vágó and entrepreneur Miksa (Mihály) Schiffer as both of the outstanding individuals […]

Hungary – Architecture in the Long 1960s

Curator: Adolf STILLER Academic advisors: Zoltán FEHÉRVÁRI, András HADIK Opened by Pál LŐVEI (art historian) The Architektur im Ringturm exhibition series after 2014 once again focuses on Hungary’s architectural diversity. The exhibition turns the spotlight on the Hungarian architectural scene during the period often referred to as “the long 60s”. Architecturally speaking, the long 60s […]