The Mill on the Old Lake Regional Camp and Eco-Centre, Veresegyház

MÉSZ-MÉK Diploma Award 2017 Concept: Mercédesz Erika Nagy The site for design is located near the northern shores of the Old Lake, at the mouth of Sződrákosi spring which feeds the nearby lakes. The dyke of the former mill made of concrete and one of its longitudinal walls with the original place of the wheels […]

Péter Korniss: Continuing Memories

Hungarian National Gallery, 29 September 2017 – 11 February 2017 Péter Korniss is one of the greatest masters of contemporary Hungarian photography, a recipient of the “Artist of the Nation” award, the Kossuth Prize and the Joseph Pulitzer Memorial Prize. His work centres on documenting the disappearing lifestyle of peasants in Hungary and Transylvania. The […]

Frau Architekt, Over 100 years of Women in Architecture

DAM, Frankfurt, 30 September 2017 – 8 March 2018 It remains to be seen whether the future really is feminine. Indeed, although far more than half of all students in architecture faculties are now women, it is certainly not the case that they all really get a foothold in the profession and only very few […]

Borders, Architekturbild – European Architectural Photography Prize 2017

DAM, Frankfurt, 6 May – 27 August 2017 The European Architectural Photography Prize has been awarded every two years since 1995. Since 2003, the award has been bestowed by architekturbild e.v., since 2008 in cooperation with DAM, and since 2016 with a third partner, the Federal Foundation of Baukultur. The Berlin-based Photographer Andreas Gehrke is […]

The Roots of Infinity, Peter Magyar’s spatial drawings

Kunsthalle, Budapest, 4-30 October 2017 Dr. Peter Magyar is a Hungarian architect living in the United States of America. He left Hungary in 1975 and moved to the US in 1980. Since then he has continuously been teaching architecture at American universities. Alongside to university teaching and research he has been actively involved in architectural […]

Design hét 2017

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Architectural Photography Award 2017

We extended the deadline for submitting photographs until 30th September 2017, 12 pm! HERE WE ARE – ITT VAGYUNK! Architectural Photography Award launched by the Association of Hungarian Architects and the Hungarian Architecture magazine The main objective of this contest is to encourage and inspire thinking about our man-made environment via architecture-related photograph.   However […]

Design Contest for St George Square and Grand Square, Budapest

The call published by the Prime Minister’s Office and Lechner Information Centre targeted to survey the best possible solutions to utilize and renew the site, that is St George Square and Grand Square located in the Buda Castle district of the Hungarian capital both functionally and spiritually. Criteria for the evaluation of the urbanistic-architectural ideas […]

István Medgyaszay Memorial Conference and Exhibition

Pesti Vigadó, 20. 09. 2017 István Medgyaszay is one of the most outstanding figures of 20th-century architecture in Central Europe. His works, however, have been underestimated compared to their significance both in Hungarian and international architectural history. Lectures included in the programme of the memorial conference held to honour his oeuvre targeted to survey and […]

Architect István Medgyaszay 1877–1959

Memorial Exhibition Pest Vigadó, Septermebr 20th, 2017 Room Károly Kós, Association of Hungarian Architects, September 25th-October 6th The conference commemorating the 14th anniversary of István Medgyaszay in Vigadó, Pest is completed with an exhibition that surveys the oeuvre of the architect as well as a systemized cmprehensive presentation of buildings by Medgyaszay, including those reconstructed […]

Design Contest for the New Budapest Velodrom

The aim of the design contest for the new Budapest Velodrom was published by the Hungarian government to design a closed velodrom able to perform a variety of functions simultaneously, in accordance with the relevant criteria of the national sports association that could be suitable on the regional level to host bicycle races, practices, trainings […]