Több, mint lakni

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Csonka Pál érem 2017

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Sebastião Salgado: Genesis

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Arnóth Lajos (1929-2017)

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Marosi Bálint (1970-2017)

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Registration for Media Architecture Award 2017

The registration for the Media Architeture Award 2017 has started. Project submission on epiteszforum.hu until 11 September 2017 via editors@epiteszforum.hu Registrtaion until 20 September 2017 on mediadij.epiteszforum.hu.

Hungary, Architecture in the Long 1960s

Associaition of Hungarian Architects, 12 July 2017 Photos: Edit Pálinkás Architecturally speaking, the long 1960s were a highly productive period in Hungary, in spite of the Hungarian state’s consolidation of power following the 1956 uprising. The material compiled for this exhibition and the accompanying catalogue is based on fundamental research carried out in the country […]

The Annual Meeting of AHA 2017

Association of Hungarian Architects, Kós Hall 29 May 2017 The Association of Hungarian Architects held its annual meeting in the room named after Károly Kós in the Architects’ House where the report of the previous year was made public whilst the members also outlined their plans for the next year. Chairman of the association, András […]

Peace for the World

57th International Art Exhibition Venice, Hungarian pavilion, 13 May – 26 November 2017 Artist: Gyula Várnai  Text: György Szegő  Photos: Hanna Szegő  The slogan chosen for the Hungarian exhibition addresses the wide world, as the biannually held art exhibition in Venice is the largest contemporary scene of art nowadays. Representatives of art from 86 countries participate in […]