Presentation of the Citadella Ideas Competition Associaition of Hungarian Architects, 13 December 2016 It is an old-new tradition of the Association of Hungarian Architects to provide an opportunity to present all the projects applied for the main architectural competitions in Hungary. On the first event of this long-term series of the association the applicants presented […]
Associaition of Hungarian Architects, 18 November 2016 Program 15.05 Greetings by András Krizsán DLA, president of the Association of Hungarian Architects, “Nagyapám Háza” (My Grandfather’s House) project leader 15.15 “Nagyapám Háza” presentation by Ádám Bihari, “Nagyapám Háza” project manager 15.30 Project presentations of 2016 by Boldizsár Medvey and Gergő Radev camp leaders 16.30 SÁRKoLLEKTÍVA presentation […]
Pro Architectura Prize 2016
House of Parliament, 26 October 2016 In the year 2016 – after a short pause – the Pro Architectura Prize is awarded again, this year it could be applied for in five categories, namely Architectural work, Architectural public life and education, Design and design contest, Builder /Client and Contractor. All in all, ten acknowledgements were […]
An Attempt to Dialogues
MÉSZ Evenings – Where are you heading, „Roman Riverbank”? Építészek Háza, 10 October 2016 Text: Zsuzsa Beliczay The discussion of MÉSZ (the Association of Hungarian Architects) held in October focussed on the flood control and protection of the Roman Riverbank. On the day before the event on October 10th, a peaceful demonstration of several thousands […]
To Master School Grade No. XXIV.
World Day of Architecture, 3 October 2016 The exhibition opened on the World Day of Architecture presented the materials submitted by the new grade of the Master School of Master Architect Association for their entrance examination. The opening speech by Lajos Arnóth was about the nine sciences complementing the seven free arts, amongst them about […]
A Garden of Eden in the Shadow of a Coup d’État
Expo 2016 Gardening World Exhibition Antalya, April 23-October 30th, 2016 Text and photos: Pál Lővei Turkey has been one of the most industrious participant of gardening exhibitions and world exhibitions for about 25 years now. Since then its presentations tend to be of larger and larger scales, and integrate contemporary architecture and design with well-conceived […]
Csak tiszta forrásból – mielőtt a páva fölszáll
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Kósa Zoltán építész kiállítása
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Cseh Építészeti Nagydíj 2016
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Gerda Széplaky: Diversive architecture
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A tervezés útvesztője
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DesignEuropa Awards 2016
The DesignEuropa Awards celebrate excellence in design and design management among Registered Community Design (RCD) holders, whether they are individual right holders, small businesses or large enterprises. The IDO bench is one of the finalists in the Small and Emerging Companies Award designed by Anna Szőnyi, Hungarian designer. Designed as a public seating installation, the […]