Job advertisement – Secretary of the MÉSZ

The Association of the Hungarian Archtiects (MÉSZ) looking for a new secretary. Important tasks for the job: secretarial duties, proposal writing, administration, event organisation, communication. Application deadline: 15 August 2016 Evaluation deadline: 15 September 2016 The whole text of the job advertisment

Wanted – The model of the Bath in Jászberény

We are searching for Lajos Zalaváry architect’s model for the Bath in Jászberény opened in 1958. If you recognize the model or you have any information on its whereabouts, please contact us via the following e-mail address: Thank you for your cooperation, the editors

Indoor Swimming Pool in Etelka sor, Szeged

The aim of the competition is to find the best design and designer for the new indoor swimming pool in the Etelka sor Sports Center in Szeged. Application deadline: 5 September 2016 More information:

Vándoriskola 2016

The “Vándoriskola” of the Kos Karoly Association announced admission for young architects. “Vándoriskola” 2016 admission design: boiler room, heating plant for Manréza House for spiritual retreat Deadline: 31 August 2016 More information, contact: Csernyus Lőrinc Triskell Kft., 1034 Bp., Kecske utca 25. – tel.: (1) 388 1707 Füzes András Makona Kft., 1034 Bp., Kecske utca […]

Dósa nádor Square, Debrecen

The architectural competition aims the renewal of the Dósa nádor Square in Debrecen, along with the utilization of the eastern wall of the Town Hall, the extension of the downtown pedestrian zone, and the architectural and urban concept of the musical block in Csapó Street. Application deadline: 27 June 2016 More information and documentation:

13th International Architecture Congress

16 March 2016 Text: Anna Zöldi The 13th International Architectural Congress sensitively reacted to what mostly excites Europe nowadays: it has invited its lecturers with the slogan „the meeting of cultures”. Although there were only five genuinely international lecturers, we could grasp a comprehensive survey wittingly embedded into a framework reflecting our local conditions. It […]

8th Budapest Architecture Film Days

3-6 March 2016 Text: Anna Zöldi Organized for the 8th time this year, the days of films on architecture has been true to its original mission again. Evolving into the most prestigious event of the region, this survey of films does not only evoke architecture as clad in an artistic kimono or a majestic robe, […]

Architecture in Austria in the 20th and 21st centuries

Park Books – AZ Wien, 2016, 440 page Text: György Szegő Published more than a decade ago, the former “collection catalogue” of the Architekturzentrum (AZ) Wien gave a survey of 20th century architecture more than a decade ago. This edition of the same publication with the subtitle „in the 20th and 21st century reflects a […]

Mavericks: Breaking the Mould of British Architecture

Royal Academy of Arts, London, 26 January – 20. April 2016 Mavericks: Breaking the Mould of British Architecture is an installation that will chart the course of British architecture from the sixteenth century to the present day through the work of twelve maverick architects: Robert Smythson, Sir John Vanbrugh, James Wyatt PRA, Sir John Soane […]

Josef Frank: Against design

MAK, Vienna, 16 December 2015 – 12 June 2016 Josef Frank (born in 1885 in the town of Baden near Vienna) is not only one of the most important Austrian architects of the 20th century, but also, with his designs for textiles and furniture, one of the modernist designers whose influence continues to be felt […]

Gábor Dénes Award 2015

Ifj. István Kistelegdi Sorry, this content is only available in Hungarian.

DEMO:POLIS – The Right to Public Space

Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 12 March – 29 May 2016 DEMO:POLIS – The Right to Public Space presents the possibilities that the public has to shape its own city. The anonymous, virtual public space of the Internet and the real streets and squares are both locations for people’s demands as well as subject to their […]