Design Terminal Budapest launches the Smart City Lab Budapest Competition 2015 to provide an opportunity for creative professionals to turn their innovative urban development ideas into action. Applications in 2014 focused on urban infrastructure, while this year’s theme is about the personal city-experience and the people’s responsibility towards their environment. The announcer is waiting for […]
Student Competition The Humusz Association is waiting for creative proposals that are possible to realize from recycled or remnant materials. The aim is to raise awareness of the re-usability of waste materials, to promote the “re-design” trend, and to promote environmental thinking in everyday life. The theme of the contest is the stand. Candidates need […]
Felhívás Vedres György díj elnyerésére
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Lakótelep – ahol lakom veled
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A szocialista korszak ipari öröksége
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Sárospatak Historical City – in a Different Way
Exhibition of the Department of Architecture at the University of Debrecen Új-Bástya Exhibition Hall, Sárospatak, 26 February – 23 March 2015 Opening: 26 February 2015, 5 p.m. Exhibitors: Attila Balla, Natália Balogh, Tamás Balogh, Bettina Barna, Enikő Barta, Dávid Burzuk, Tamás Csépke, Mariann Czapár, Ildikó Kiss, Tamás Kiss, Zsolt Mihály Kondorosi, Áron Lality, Dénes Nagy, […]
Építőipari Nívódíjasok 2014 – konferencia
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From Sade to Duchamp
Two Exhibitions in Paris Sade. Attacking the Sun Musée d’Orsay, Paris, 14 October 2014 – 25 January 2015 Donatien Alphonse François de Sade (1740–1814) completely transformed the history of both literature and the arts, first as an underground writer, and later by becoming a veritable legend in his lifetime. The Divin Marquis’s work is a […]
Viollet-le-Duc, Visionary Archaeologist
Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris, 20 November 2014 – 9 March 2015 On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Eugène Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879), this retrospective exhibition presents the unique work of this great architect, theorist and restaurateur, founder of the Museum of Comparative Sculpture whose museum of French Monuments is […]
Piranesi Award 2014
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 15 January – 2 February 2015 From 15 January 2015 Pirnesi 2014 Exhibition is exhibited in FUGA gallery in Budapest. It was presented by Zsolt Gunther, Hungarian national Piranesi selector. In October 2014 FUGA has already hosted Piranesi 2013 exhibition. The organizer of the exhibition is Julia Őry from FUGA […]
Studio Mumbai
Between the Sun and the Moon arc en rêve centre d’architecture, Bordeaux, 18 December 2014 – 31 Mai 2015 Arc en rêve centre d’architecture presents a major monographic exhibition devoted to Studio Mumbai. Founded in 2005 by Bijoy Jain, an Indian architect who studied in the USA, Studio Mumbai develops projects inspired by both Indian […]
Budapest BOX
Budapest Municipality invites applications for the pavilion system of the Vörösmarty Square design fairs in Budapest. The goal is to renew the background of the events, and raise the level of the programs with the new uniform design of the commercial and hospitality pavilions. The pavilions should be serve – from the tourist point of […]