Design Competition – People’s Choice Award

Design Competition Vote for your favorite design for the Caracalla&AXOR Design Competition on Caracalla’s facebook page until 30th January. Founded 20 years ago, the small family venture of Caracalla Bathroom Studio became by now one of the major market players. Year after year, Caracalla developed relationships with more and more prestigious Italian and German suppliers. […]

Visions of Aquincum – Open Forum

The exhibition of student architectural plans BME Department of Public Building Design Aquincum Museum, Budapest, 13-31 January 2015 We kindly welcome you all to our informal talk on ‘Visions on Aquincum’ students’ exhibition. Date: 26 January 2015, 5 p.m. Venue: Aquincum Museum

Dezső Ekler Exhibition

Flóris Rómer Art and History Museum, Győr, 23 January – 31 March 2015 Opening: 23 January 2015 Opening speech by: Dr. Róbert Szepesházi Venue: Flóris Rómer Art and History Museum, Esterházy Palace Győr, Király u. 17.

Palatinum Stúdió about the Metro 4

Gregersen Art Point, 22 January 2014, 6 p.m The lecture and the connecting exhibition presents the contemporary architectural scene of the Metro Line 4 in Budapest. Venue: 1093 Budapest, Lónyay u. 31.

Romanesque Churches in Burgundy

Association of Hungarian Architects, Károly Kós Hall, 26 January – 26 February 2015 The exhibition presents the research and survey work held in Burgundy by the Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics between 2008 and 2014. Opening: 26 January 2015, 5 p.m. Opening speech by […]

Donau – Stadt – Landschaften

Conference Austrian Cultural Forum, Budapest, 23-24. January 2015 The conference focuses on the parallel historical and sociological aspects of urban planning connected to the Danube in Budapest and Vienna. The language of the conference: English, German Venue: Austrian Cultural Forum (1068 Budapest, Benczúr utca 16.) More information: Dr. Máté Tamáska –

„…Connecting the skies with Earth…”

Imre Makovecz Oeuvre Exhibition Kölcsey Centre, Debrecen, 23 January – 1 March 2015 The exhibition shows a selection from the major Imre Makovecz exhibition held in the Vigadó Budapest, which was one of the most impartant architectural event of 2014 in Hungary. Besides the drawings, sketches and designs of the legendary architect the exhibition presents […]

Graphics by Béla Halmos

FUGA, Budapest, 14 January – 1 February 2015 Opening: 14 January 2015, 6 p.m. Opening speech by Péter Wagner DLA architect Béla Halmos (1946-2013) architect, ethnomusicologist, founder of the dance house movement in Hungary. From his multicultural activities the FUGA Budapest Centre of Architecture remembers him with his graphics from his academic years.

Community House in Újpalota – presentation

Presentation of the results of the Community House in Újpalota architectural competition MÉSZ Headquarters, Károly Kós Hall, 6 January 2015, 2 p.m. The aim of the competition was to find the most suitable design for the new Community House and its surrundings in the Main Square of Újpalota housing estate in Budapest.

BAHCS 2009-2014

First years of struggle of a young architect office Kelet Café and Gallery, Budapest, 8 January – 8 February 2015 Opening: 8 January 2015, 7.30 p.m. Opening speech by Mihály Balázs architect Venue: Kelet Café and Gallery (1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 29.) The host of the exhibition: Fél 8 Csoport

A’Design Award & Competition

A’ Design Award and Competition aims to highlight the excellent qualifications of best designs, design concepts and design oriented products worldwide. The primary aim of the award is to create publicity, PR push and advertisement opportunities for award winners while supporting the global design culture, creating incentives for entrants to come up with superior designs […]