The 12th Session of the Europan Competition is being launched on the 18th of march 2013 in 16 countries on 51 sites. The Hungarian site deals with the complex environmental design of the Rákos Creek In Zugló, Budapest. The Municipality of Zugló Budapest XIV. district and the Secretariat of EUROPAN Hungary invites you to Lipták Villa…
Medal for Hungarian Architecture
Prize-giving Ceremony
Association of Hungarian Architects,12 February 2014, 2 pm
The Medal for Hungarian Architecture 2013 goes to:
Péter Pásztor architect
Béla Lajta (Masters of Architecture)
Béla Lajta (Maters of Architecture) book presentation
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
19 February 2014, 17.30
Editors: János Gerle, Tamás Csáki
Holnap Publisher, 2013
Dead Objects – Museum Project
Exhibition of Zsolt Asztalos
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
6-28 February 2014
Opening: 6 February 2014, 6 pm
Parallels II.
Exhibition of Csilla Kelecsényi and Pál Somogyi
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
28 January – 16 February 2014
Opening: 28 January 2014, 6 pm
Opening speech by György Szegő
Critical Urban Research
Book Presentation
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 14 February 2014, 17.30
Critical Urban Research
Editors: Csaba Jelinek, Judit Bodnár, Márton Czirfusz, Zoltán Gyimesi
L’Harmattan Publisher, 2014
Barcsay Master and Disciples
Hegyvidék Gallery, Budapest, 4-21 February 2014
Opening: 4 February 2014, 6 pm
Opening speech by Balázs Feledy art writer
Venue: Hegyvidék Gallery, 1122 Budapest, Városmajor St 16.
Contemporary Challenges of the Church Architecture
Contemporary Challenges of the Church Architecture
Sapientia College, Budapest
26 February 2014, 4 pm
Lecturer: Vilmos Katona architect
Conference in Memory of Zoltán Szentkirályi
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp3. K épület 210.
6-7 February 2014
Enlargements – 60 house
Dezső Ekler Exhibition
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 27 February – 23 March 2014
Opening: 27 February 2014, 6 pm
Opening speech by János Golda DLA
1.2. Architectural Photo of the Year
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 18 February – 9 March 2014
Exhibitors: Tamás Czigány, Pál Csillag, György Darabos, György Dénes, Dániel Dömölky, László Francsics, Lea Fiterman, Zsolt Frikker, József Hajdú, Bálint Hudecz, Norbert Juhász, Richárd Kiefer, István Szőnyi, Ákos Tasi, Márk Péter Vargha, Tibor Zsitva
Parallel Regions V.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Joint Exhibition of the Department of Public Building Design, Department of Residential Buildings, Department of Industrial and Agricultural Building Design, Department of Urban Planning and Design
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 12-24 February 2014