Learning from Vernacular

Mud huts, timber dwellings, stone houses – architectural structures around the world have evolved to be perfectly adapted to the surrounding environment, climate and available building materials. With the growing awareness of sustainable construction and regional traditions, these building types have been rediscovered as vital sources…

Csaba Csontos 1940-2013

Csaba Csontos began his career in the studio of his master, Lajos Zalaváry, along with his friend Miklós Dobozi. As a young architect his name is linked to the highest quality building of the early postmodern architecture in Hungary, the MTA Observatory in Piszkéstető. For many decades he took part in the reconstruction of the Festetics Castle…

Prima Primissima Award 2013

Prima Primissima Award 2013 in Hungarian Architecture category goes to:

Primissima: Dr. Zoltán Bachman
Prima: János Golda
Prima: Tamás Karácsony DLA

Ferenc Reitter Award 2013

Reitter Ferenc Award 2013 goes to the architects of the Eiffel Palace, Budapest: András Gelesz, Kornél Baliga, Gergely Kelecsényi
The 4-storey building under the address Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 78., having façade to three streets, was built in 1893, based on the architectural plans of Flóris Korb and Kálmán Giergl…

Silver Carpenter Pencil Award 2013

The Silver Carpenter Pencil Award founded by the Honi Art Foundation goes for journalists who promote the Hungarian architecture scene, and also represent the quality journalism. The Silver Carpenter Pencil Award 2013 goes to: Erika Katalina Pásztor editor in chief – epiteszforum.hu, Anna Zöldi journalist, Péter Rózsa editor – FUGA Radio

High Resolution

Moving from the classic architectural photography, the topic of this year’s competition is the urban fabric and it’s disruption. Therefore, they are waiting for photographs wandering in the genre of the street photography showing public spaces in transitional phase, decomposed streets, traffic anomalies. 1st Prize: Exhibition at the FUGA in 2014…

A MÉSZ sajtónyilatkozata

A Magyar Építőművészet és az egész magyar kultúra számára óriási jelentőségű esemény volt az eredetileg Korb Flóris és Giergl Kálmán tervezte, most megújult Zeneakadémia közelmúltban történt átadása, ünnepélyes megnyitása. a munka hatalmas szellemi és anyagi ráfordítást igényelt. éppen ezért méltánytalannak és elfogadhatatlannak…

Hudec Week – Hungarian Architecture Forum – Shanghai

For the invitation of the Association of Architects in Shanghai, a ten-member delegation visits the program of the Hudec week in Shanghai in December 2013. Lecture topics of the professional program: Hudec and his Contemporaries, Hungarian Vernacular Architecture, Art Nouveau in Hungary, Organic Architecture, Contemporary Architecture…

The Country of Silence

About Finland, from a different angle
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 5 December 2013 5 p.m.
Lecture by Attila Ertsey architect and Erik Szabó ethnologist on the Finnish architecture, design, environment, and the Kamppi Chapel of Silence in Helsinki. Guest: Tamás Dévényi architect

Recycling Socialism

‘Recycling Socialism’ was the theme of this year’s Architectural Biennale in Tallinn, Estonia. In an effort to reflect Estonians’ conflicted relationship with the country’s Socialist past, curators hosted exhibitions in some of the capital’s most iconic and problematic buildings. Recycling Socialism, the 2013 Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB)…

Urban Landscape No. 8.

Károly Sándor Áron is an artist who is constantly analyzing himself, his actions and his attitude towards the world and art, in order to improve. This is why his work can seem to be a bit chaotic, regarding themes and techniques raised. He is a constant experimenter combining a wide range of photographic and art techniques, sizes and materials…

Copenhagen Solutions

The City of Copenhagen wants to become the first carbon neutral capital in the world by 2025. And Copenhagen is already well on its way. Providing the city with integrated transportation systems has reduced traffic congestion and pollution to levels that are extremely low compared to many other big cities. One indication of this is that the number of…