Ágnes Kovács has designed three chapels in the past eight years in the North-East of Hungary: St Jacob’s in Sajóhídvég; St Elizabeth’s Chapel and Gipsy Missionary Centre in Kesznyéten; the Virgin Mary’s Chapel (also known as Barracks Chapel or Memorial Chapel of Recsk) in Mátramindszent. The common feature of these chapels…
Utóirat 2013/4
Chair-Twister – New Researches Concerning Space
The free Gesamtkunstwerk company named képzetTtársítás („association”) is a kind of experimental team: it has been organized around the resonances of experiencing space and intuition. The first stage of the birth of the production is that the team’s leader makes a tour of the chosen space: his steps and breaths slow down…
Downtown Function-Hunting
In cities the size of Budapest, the issues of sustainability tend to be on the agenda more and more frequently. By the triple pillar of sustainable development we mean ecological, economic and social sustainability, the third category used primarily as a synonym for communal designing. The present research focusses on the facelifted…
Teach with Gentle Words, Letting Them Play…
Professionals elaborating architects’ training in Győr – Attila Bodrossy, Tamás Czigány and members of the generation joining them, András Cseh and Ádám Tátrai – regard it their mission to encourage their students to search for and find simple architectural answers free from attraction. If the adjective average was not a curse…
Reconstructing the Past Future
After the downfall of the Berlin Wall an inspiring field of research was offered to a whole generation of post-socialist landscape artists. While looking for surprising informal urban situations or worn visions of the future many have viewed the objects of socialism as purely aesthetic phenomena: removing them from their context…
Unknown Stories
In the Vienna-based Architekturzentrum the exhibition open till February was the very first attempt to present a comprehensive view of the architecture the non-Russian member states of the former Soviet Union created between 1950 and 1991. The research and the exhibition pushed into the background the perspectives formed by Russia…
The Means of Reconciliation
The nationalist ideology of the Yugoslavian war did not only require human lives but also the destruction of buildings home to ethnic groups or religions. By restoring the mosques, churches and libraries also the identity of the groups of people belonging to these structures is reconstructed. The re-animation of the buildings…
The Silent Power
He was best characterized in terms of peace and quiet, being untalkative, determined and radiating power. When it came to architectural forums or diploma sessions he was the one uttering his opinion and phrasing his ideas economically, limiting to a few words but expressing them unambiguously and irrefutably by others.
President’s Report
President’s Report
Association of Hungarian Architects
07. 05. 2012 – 06. 05. 2013
László György Sáros DLA
President of the Association of Hungarian Architects