Sisa Béla (1942–2021)

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Perczel Anna (1942–2021)

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Média Építészeti Díj 2021

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Peter Halley: Heterotopia

L’accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Vlence, 05. 07. – 08. 10. Text: Botzheim Bálint Photos: Szegő Hanna, pressphotos Abstract During the time of the fine arts biennale Venice turns into a genuine store of art pieces. All over the town exhibitions welcome visitors, and many visitors take advantage of this period to join the flow of […]

Prizes Awarded on March 15th

On our national holiday on March 15th, prestigious state and arts prizes are annually awarded as a rule. Besides the Ybl prize, which is traditionally handed over on this day, in 2021 our architects and thus also the professionals in architecture have been recognized with further awards. The Kossuth Prize went to Bálint Nagy and […]

Media Architectural Prize 2020

Organized by Építészfórum, on February 20th, it was the 16th time that Media Architectural Prize awards ceremony was held to recognize this year’s most outstanding works of architecture. Due to the pandemic, the event was online streamed from the venue, Trafó Contemporary Arts House. Founded by Építészfórum, the Media Architectural Prize is unique for the […]

Mathias Corvinus Collegium

Result of the Design Contest In January 2021 Mathias Corvinus Collegium Foundation published an open design contest for the architectural concept of the main building of Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Somlói Road, Budapest. The primary objective was to create a building (complex) the distant silhouette of which encourages us to visit it, and translates a […]

Essential Contents

Lutheran Church, Budakeszi Architect: László Benczúr Text: Tamás Kiss Photos: József Hajdú The Lutheran Congregation held it very first mass in November 2020 in its newly inaugurated church in Budakeszi. The exterior features simple, purely spatial geometrical components and a rational spatial configuration. A formative element of the composition is the terracotta-coloured oval-shaped plastered prism […]

The Nature Of Time

Water-Powered Saw Mill Visitors’ Centre, Ívó, Seklerland (RO) Architect: Köllő Miklós Text: Anthony Gall Photos: Zoltán-Levente Erős, Vajk-István Szigeti, Miklós Köllő (Larix Studio) In Seklerland, located on the western side of the Madaras Harghita of Madaras, there is a water-powered sawmill with a visitors’ centre besides Ivó stream, in the centre of the village Ivó. […]

Without Fences

Poplar Residential Community, Zsámbék Architects: Dorottya Gőz, Chehadé Abdel Rahim (Amoeba Group) Text: Szilvia Molnár  Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky   Located near Budapest, in Poplar Residential Community 6,000 square metres have been developed to contain13 single-storey detached family hopuses on a flat terrain between 2017 and 2020. Houses of two typologies, or more precisely, with two […]

The Reconstruction of Eisele Mansion

Imre Kertész Institution, Budapest Architect: Tihamér Szalay Interiors: Anett Ficzere Text: György Szegő Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The mansion once owned by József Eisele boiler manufacturer was designed by Guido Hoepfner and Dénes Györgyi in 1910 and it represents a unique character with its stylish details in the history of Hungarian Art Nouveau architecture. The house […]

It is Justified to Go to Casinos!

The Reconstruction of the Civilian Casino in Buda Architect: Jassó Sándor Interiors: Radnóczy Eszter Text: Zöldi Anna Photos: Kőrösi Tamás / At a hub of the Buda side of the capital city, which is overburdened with traffic but would deserve a better fate, the metaphorical island of aristocratic leisure of bygone days has been […]