The Budapest Workshop and Lajos Kozma
Műcsarnok, Budapest, 5 September – 2 December 2018
Text: György Szegő
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
It has been 70 years since the world famous architect, applied artist, graphic designer and educator Lajos Kozma passed away. To honour this exceptional creator, as a part of the Kozma Commemorative Year in 2018, Kunsthalle is launching a major series of programmes in conjunction with the Museum of Applied Art, the Hungarian Museum of Architecture and the Lajos Kozma Woodworking Vocational School at the Budapest Complex Center of Vocational Training (BKSzC), which sets out to highlight the importance of artistic (vocational) training and traditional crafts by showcasing Kozma’s diverse oeuvre and complex design philosophy. One of the highlights of the series will be the exhibition entitled Classic Kozma.