The Historic Core of Székesfehérvár
Results of an open architectural tender
The Architectural Department of the Hungarian Art Academy (Magyar Művészeti Akadémia, MMA) published an open contest of architecture for the construction of a well-deserved and worthwile exhibition site to present the unique architectural historical and archaeological relics and findings of the site with characteristic means of architecture in the historic core of Székesfehérvár where visitors have the opportunity to get to know the spiritual and material heritage of the Árpád dynasty. The tender addressed individuals with degrees in architecture, design, interior architecture under the age of 40. Hereby we are presenting the works awarded and purchased as excelling projects.
Award: No. 3
Alkotó: Dósa-Papp Tamás, építész munkatárs: Emődi-Kiss Tamás
Purchase: No. 8
Alkotók: Bajusz Csaba Ádám, Salacz Ádám, Vadász Balázs
Purchase: No. 12
Alkotók: Juhász Nagy Balázs, Bodnár-Paripás Emőke
Purchase: No. 13
Design: Nóra Kőhalmy, László Fridrich, Bogdán Funk