120 Years of the Hungarian Architecture Magazine
This year we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the first publication of Magyar ÉpÃtÅ‘művészet, the Hungarian architectural journal. This is the jubilee edition of Utóirat (Post Scriptum), which is the supplementary publication of the periodical. We have compiled a retrospective selection of articles from the issues of 22 years of the supplement to celebrate the occasion.
In 2022, also celebrating the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Association of Hungarian Architects, we have compiled a selection of the journal’s articles. In the current selection, we are recalling the writings of Postscriptum in chronological order, with an excerpt from each year. We have no secret intention of inspiring readers to turn to the old issues and find many fascinating essays that are worth re-reading for their current relevance. Another important aspect of our selection was to revive the numerous themes that we have explored in the more than two decades of editing Postscriptum. These have been indicated before the titles of the articles we are now republishing, next to the number of the issue.