Light Theatre in the Lab
In-vitro Diagnostics Block, Debrecen
Architects: Péter Kovács, István Lengyel
Text: János Gerle
Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky
The development of the University in Debrecen is embodied in buildings continuously deserving professional credit. After the library and educational centre by Ernő Kálmán and György Major, the dormitory by Ferenc Bán, the life science institute by János Golda and Gábor Szenderffy the IT centre constructed in the campus and the laboratory building within the clinic complex to be opened contribute to the list. We are hereby analysing the latter in details.
Making a tour of the building yet to be inaugurated one does not experience the effects of a tight budget but quite the contrary, the generosity in both the architectural concept and the technology. Designers found the solution in the spirit of the tender description but without sticking to its prescriptions: spatial design of public traffic, which is quite an experience, besides the functional, cleanliness and security conditions required by the diagnostic laboratories. The new building is erected on the site of its demolished antecedents, the triangular lot was a given, whilst the theoretical block by Tibor Mikolás next to it was built in the spirit of the 1970s, although the building following the contemporary Japanese formation of monumental ferro-concete structures with highstandard details has a geometry communicating with its acute-angular roof foms and protruding window boxes: the new laboratory wing also restores the pestige of the building.
Generáltervezés / design: Archiko Kft. – Lengyel ÉpÃtészműterem Kft.
Vezető tervezők / leading architects: Kovács Péter, Lengyel István
ÉpÃtész munkatársak / fellow architects: Ferenczi Ottó, Kazamér György, Molnár Éva, Barabás Lajos, Bartha Tibor, Kecskés István
Statika / structure: Dezső Zsigmond, Kocsis Attila
Épületgépészet / technical installations: Nagy Imre, Hámori Sándor
Elektromosság / electrical engineering: Nagy Zsolt
Közmű / public utilities: Szabó István
Környezetrendezés / landscape: Sándor Tamás
Közlekedés / traffic: Mocsári Attila
Orvostechnológia / medical technology: Ifkó Iván
Labortechnológia / lab technology: Komló Zsuzsanna
Akusztika / acoustics: Józsa Gusztáv
MegbÃzó / client: Debreceni Egyetem Orvosi-, és Egészségtudományi Centrum
GenerálkivitelezÅ‘ / main contractor: HUNÉP Universal ÉpÃtÅ‘ipari Zrt – Magyar ÉpÃtÅ‘ Zrt.