In Memoriam József Király – 1930-2013

Book presentation and discussion about József Király interior designer
Museum of Applied Arts, 3 October 2013, 6 p.m.
In memoriam József Király – exhibition at the library
From 6 p.m. discussion and book presentation in the library
József Vadas: Székkirály – Pályakép Király József belsőépítészről

Culture and Architecture

World Day of Architecture – 7 October 2013
Association of Hungarian Architects, 1088 Budapest, Ötpacsirta St. 2.
12.00 – 22.00 Ötpacsirta Street: Hello Wood Installation
15.00 Kós Károly Hall: House of the Year 2013 – Price-giving Ceremony
16.30 Courtyard: V4 Family Houses Exhibition Opening

Architecture and Other Games

Architectural discussion according to Péter Török’s exhibition ‘Work Fragments’
St Stephen’s Basilica, 9 October 2013, 6 p.m.
Discussion partners:
György Vadász DLA and Balázs Balogh DLA

László Benczúr architect

László Benczúr architect’s book presentation
Budahegyvidék Lutheran Church, Budapest
25 September 2013, 6 p.m.
Greetings by Dr. Tamás Fabiny bishop
Book presentation by Béla Pazár architect

Building Games

Building Games Conference
How to teach architecture?

FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 24-25 September 2013
Organizer: Chamber of Hungarian Architects

Exhibition of Oszkár Winkler from Sopron and Lučenec

HAP Gallery and the Slovenská Národna Galéria invites yout to the joint exhibition of Oszkár Winkler from Sopron (1907-1984) and Oszkár Winkler from Lučenec (1909-1970).
Opening: 17 September 2013, 6 p.m.
Opening speech by András Ferkai architect

6th Budapest Architecture Film Days – Call for Entries

Do you have a film on architecture? The Budapest Architecture Film Days is now accepting submissions for its 6th edition to be held in Budapest in March 2014. We are looking for works in all genres, forms and lengths related to design, architecture and built environment. The mission of the film festival is to generate a dialogue between…

Architecture for Healing 2013

The European Health Property Network has been bringing together health policy makers, health system planners, health estates professionals, capital investment experts, healthcare architects and academics for the past 13 years. This year we are returning to Budapest, to discuss and debate the best ways to confront and solve the challenges…


XXII. Harmonia Sacra Danubiana and Sacred Arts Week presents the exhibition Lifetime in Komarno
Opening: 15 September 2013, 12.00
Oratorio of St Andrew’s Church, Komarno
Artists: Eszter Tajti, Zoltán Popovits, János Szentiváni János