Klára Sándor is a Professor of Linguistics at University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, Department of Human Informatics and Library Studies. PhD in Linguistics in 1996. Research fields: evolutionary theory of language change, conversation analysis with a special focus on the theory of communication and language and politics, and gender studies…
Baroque – since 1630
The era of Maria Theresa is widely seen to epitomize the magnificent Baroque style and luxurious splendor. The many abbeys, monasteries, and palaces dating from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries – including Prince Eugene’s former summer residence, the sumptuous Belvedere – have shaped the image of Austria…
Along the Wall
21 design from the students of the University of Debrecen
MODEM Műterem Gallery, Debrecen, 20. 06 – 20. 07. 2013
Curators: Edit Huszthy artist, Péter Kovács architect, Gábor Zombor architect
Opening speech by: Edit Szűcs Ph.D. and Prof. Antal Puhl DLA
Actualities in Landscape Architecture
14 July 2013
Organizers: Corvinus University of Budapest Landscape Architecture Doctoral School, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Location: Corvinus University of Budapest
Guide Map to Budapest’s Modern Architecture
Guide Map to Budapest’s Modern Architecture
Book launch
FUGA, Budapest, 13 June 2013
Authors: Zoltán Katona, Zsolt Zsuffa
LA Hippocampus
Landscape Academy and Art Camp, Balatonboglár, 12-19 July 2013
Topics: Tradition and innovation, Local motifs and contemporary forms, Opportunites in historic environment, The role of nature in art, Permanence and transience in the landscape, Relationship between living and non-living in public art
Józsefváros – Brainstorming Student Contest
Brainstorming Student Contest for the Reconsideration of Pollack Mihály and Gutenberg Square
Budapest 8th District
Deadline: 19 July 2013
Results: 2 August 2013
Budapest and the Danube
Urban Land Institute (ULI) – Conference and Workshop
Budapest, 17-18 June 2013
The Urban Land Institute is a non-profit research and education organisation supported by its members. Founded in Chicago in 1936, the institute now has over 30,000 members in 95 countries worldwide…
Value pairs – Design with Different Eyes
Beautiful and Unusal – Lectures on design in Holdudvar, Budapest
4 June 2013 – 7 p.m.
Participants: Zsanett Benedek and Dániel Lakos architects at Tervhivatal, Réka Lőrincz jewelry designer, Zalán Péter Salát graphic designer, Réka Vágó shoe designer, Moderator: Barnabás Batta
III. Sculptor Festival
Hungarian Sculptors-Architects Festival
29 May – 20 June 2013
Exhibitions – studio visits – urban tours – lectures
Organizer: Ybl Association
Info: www.szoborunnep.hu
“Released from stone – born from wood”
Exhibition from the scupltures of Sándor Nagy
Association of Hungarian Architects, Kós Károly Hall, 4-22 June 2013
Opening: 4 June 2013, 6 p.m.
Greetings by László György Sáros DLA architect
Opening speech by Tibor Wehner art historian
Interior Designer of the Year 2012
The Interior Designer of the Year 2012 award goes to Krisztina Fülöp and Orsolya Glavanovics for the design of Manninger Villa in Budapest. The prize founded by Péter Laki in 1998 is given for excellent interior design achievements in Hungary. The prize-giving ceremony was held on 28 May in the Bertalan Székely Hall of the Hungarian Opera House.