There is hardly any old picture postcard of Paks from which the oversized Neo-Classicist elevation of Hotel Erzsébet built on the axis of the main street is missing. It is not the only reason why the building has grown into an iconic one of the town: as a relic of the early phase of the rise of the middle class it has preserved its original function for…
Stage of Community
Instead of walls the elevations of RAM Cultural Centre appear more like papercuts: a series of bands of paper into which a design of openings was cut. The lack of traditional sections and the unusual proportions resulted in an abstract kind of spatial plastic art work. The playful mood of its designers is reflected in both the forms of the building and the UFO-like…
Scrolls Hidden in a Cube
The building does not reveal its identity at first glance: it is featured by crystallized, white wall surfaces, grey steel window frames and large expanses of glass. It is only the recessed colour elevations, the cut-off corners and the wall surfaces meeting at an obtuse angle that make the mass of the building appear more dynamic.
Magic Lamp
László Kalmár and Zsolt Zsuffa attempted a formidable task when designing and constructing their glass palace right in the heart of Hévíz referred to now as the Beauty Centre. It is an euphemism of me to say that the urban structure, development and streetscapes of Hévíz are eclectic in style. Owing to prospering medical tourism…
An Abstract Forest
The extension of the school in Zánka is worth analyzing from three aspects at least, concerning the relationship between the designer and the location in the narrower or wider sense of the word. András Krizsán was brought up in the vicinity and has been working here as a designer-architect for more than two decades now.
Passive House, Active Museum
The tensions resulting from the co-existense of the old and the new as well as the presentation of the 21st century previous ages and their relative proportions are all issues to be tackled now. A monumental single-storey Eclectic-Baroque style building formerly housing the County Hall was a given in this case.
The Missing Link of a Chain
The total lack of tending and maintenance, the overwhelming intensity of motor vehicle traffic, the disproportionate dominance of land occupation and use for the purposes of car parking have resulted in so bad dilapidation in the square remodelled as a park with Roman ruins in 1968 that it has qualified it to be one of the developments included…
May-Fly, Organic Clip
During the urban rehabilitation of Szolnok the banks of the River Tisza „could be returned” and the district called Tiszaliget on the other side could be connected to the inner city. Defended with a circular dam, the area on the left-hand bank has developed into one suitable for spending our free time. In order to improve life quality…
Property Development for Sustainability
In the early 21st century our cities must face serious challenges. One of the most important issues is the unification of the economic processes in the world and their simultaneous basic reconfiguration. Parallel with the need to strengthen economic positions, there is another ambition for the future: that of sustainability.
Blues Centre in the town of Nottoden
Situated on the shore of Lake Heddal to face a bay of the sea, Nottoden is a town in Norway with 12,000 inhabitants and a beautiful natural environment. It has been home to a blues festival organized every sumer and known all over Europe for years now. This is why the decision was made to advance Nottoden…
A magyar falu építészeti hagyománya
Vannak-e a falunak építészeti hagyományai? Ha vannak, milyen előtörténet hitelesíti azokat? Milyen jellemzői vannak, amelyekről felismerhetőek? Mi köze van az általános néphagyományokhoz, és a gondolkodáshoz? Miért kerültek ezek a hagyományok veszendő és már-már megtagadott állapotba? És egy napjainkra jellemző kérdéssel…
A közép keresése
Meggyesi Tamásnak ez a tanulmány-gyűjteménye vázlatos áttekintés fél évszázados, nagy kiterjedésű életműve fölött, amelynek a summázatát, úgy hiszem, megadta írásom címe. A könyv legnagyobbrészt egy urbanista „külső” közelítése a „középhez.” Ő azonban fontosnak tartotta, hogy beszéljen a belső közelítésről is…