A Gently Tinkling Final Accord

Art Hotel, Szeged Architect: László Balogh Text: Mária Tatai Photos: László Fejes, Aurél Iványi, István Kuklis Standing in the neighbourhood of the Dóm (Cathedral) in Szeged, Art Hotel speaks a contemporary language whilst respectfully integrating surrounding buildings of various ages and styles to create a new unity. Featuring three main facades, the new house had […]

A Fortress within a Town

Hotel Tokajvár, Tokaj Architect: Marcel Ferencz Text: Rita Tuczai Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The present-day form of Hotel Tokajvár resembling that of a fortress derives from the remodelling and extension of an old building. The tranquil and respectful appearance of its facade is conveyed by its proportions and brick architecture reflecting an order free from all […]

Contemporary Dramaturgy of Absence

Social Building, Visegrád Architects: Andor Krisztián Kovács, Anna Mária Tamás Text: Gábor Erhardt Photos: Greypixel The majority of visitors arriving in Visegrád leave their cars in the disorderly area on the side of the building facing the River Danube. This is why we maya s well regard the building as the gate to the town […]

The Vision of a Village

Culture Barn, Nemesgörzsöny Architect: Ákos Csécsei Text: János Géczi Photos: Zsolt Frikker Knowing his previous works, we may be sure that architect Ákos Csécsei is a professional with a European attitude but the actual proof of his commitment to the continent was first manifested so successfully in the culture barn in Nemesgörzsöny, a mountaineous building […]

Past Rendered Transparent

A Cannon Foundry, Sárospatak – ICOMOS Award 2015 Architects: István Mányi, Gábor Kardos Text: Rita Tuczai Photos: László Váradi, Eszter Kuzsmiczki Designed by Mányi Stúdió, the pavilion now completed functions as a protective structure which received ICOMOS prize in the spring of 2015: it was primarily meant to protect the remains and reconstructions of the […]

Mies van der Rohe Award 2015

Winners and Finalists Text: Edit Pálinkás The prize named after Mies van der Rohe is the most prestigious architectural award in Europe. It has been awarded for over 25 years for large-scale realised architectural projects the quality and cultural significance of which made them excelling examples of modern urban development. The winner of the Mies […]

Museum for a Museum

ICHOT – Gate of Poznan Architects: Arkadiusz Emerla, Maciej Wojda, Piotr Jagiełłowicz, Wojtek Kasinowicz Text: Edit Pálinkás Photos: Mariusz Lis, Maciej Lulko, Wojciech Krynski ICHOT was built in the most historical part of Poznan, the Island of Ostrow Tumski, where the Polish statehood and Christianity have their origins. It is not a museum, there are […]

Világok jövői

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The Kitchen and its Furniture

Hofmobiliendepot, VIenna, 4 March 2015 – 26 July 2015 The modern fitted kitchen with standard cabinet units, a running water supply and built-in electrical appliances did not emerge until the twentieth century. However, the history of kitchen furniture and equipment goes back much further. For millennia people cooked on open fires, and a single kitchen […]

A Zene Háza Észtországban

Sorry, this entry is only available in Hungarian.