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Aktuális lapszám
Continuity, Complexity and Emergence
What is the real for digital designers? Text: Antoine Picon Reality versus the real – despite their difference, these two words are often confused with one another. Their apparent interchangeability calls for an immediate clarification. In this article, A. Picon will distinguish between reality and the real in the field of architecture in a way […]
Borderlines of Architecture
Parametric Architecture Text: Bálint Botzheim Luigi Moretti may have been the very first architect to use the expression „parametric architecture”. In his essays written in the 1940s he focussed on this topic. In his view, parametric architecture studies architecture as a system with the primary ambition to find the architectural components and dimensions which are […]
[Fusi]city – Fix Budapest!
The Theory and Practice of System D and Urban Moonlighting Text: Gergely Hory Surviving day by day, grey zones, informal networks and moonlighting. Examining these concepts, projects concerning public domains were made by participants of the international workshop titled [Fusi]city-Fix Budapest! The programme itself is a result of close co-operation between the System D Academy […]
The Fate of Housing Estates 4
Careful Reflections on Orientation in the 21st Century Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona agglomeration, Spain, 1964–1970 Text: Melinda Benkő Photos: Melinda Benkő, Péter Bach We started publishing a series of articles about European prefab-technology housing estates in MÉ 2014/2. Following Grenoble, Magdeburg and Vilnius our author now takes on the task to present an aspect […]
Ferenc Lantos and Architecture
In memoriam of the Master Text: Katalin Keserü It was Lajos Kassák who was the exemplary model for Ferenc Lantos for the new world which could be created not only in painting but also via art. The concept of fine arts included applied arts in his view, and he coined a new catch-all term for […]
Rudolf Klein: Synagogues of East-Central Europe 1782-1994
Exhibition Guide Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, 2014, 36 page This exhibition invites visitors to persue the architectural testimony to the process of Jewish emancipation in the lands of East-Central Europe. By displaying images of existing synagogues, the exhibition illustrates the two-century-long passage of Jews on paths to liberation. In the 18th century, Jews began to migrate […]
Le Corbusier
The Measures of Man Centre Pompidou, Paris, 29 April – 3 August 2015 The Centre Pompidou is devoting a retrospective to the work of Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, aka Le Corbusier. Not only a visionary architect, urban planner and theorist of modernity, but also a painter and sculptor, Le Corbusier made a profound impression on the 20th […]
Matthias Church
Centuries of the Church of Our Lady in Buda Castle Budapest History Museum, 15 April – 18 October 2015 In spring 2015, the Castle Museum of Budapest History Museum joins forces with the Matthias Church to bring you a grandiose dual exhibition about the profound history of the Buda Castle Coronation Church of Our Lady. […]
Architecture Around the World
Kossuth Prize for Gábor Bachman Text: József Készman Individuals awarded prizes in the category of artistic creativity received their recognitions in the Houses of Parliament on March 15th. Amongst high-ranking officials representing the Hungarian state, Gábor Bachman appeared as a characteristic and peculiar punk-rock figure. The official recognition and appreciation of both his character and […]
In memoriam Frei Otto (1925–2015)
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Functions in Change
12th International Congress of Architects Text: Marianna Berényi Photos: János Szentiváni ‘Architecture for Architecture’ was the slogan of the 12th International Congress of Architects taking place on March 7th 2015 in the Conference hall of Várkert Bazaar in the Buda Castle district of Budapest. Some of the lectures delivered here outlined a kind of architecture […]