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Aktuális lapszám
In the Temples of the Self
Villa Stuck, Munich, November 2013 – March 2014 Text: György Szegő Photos: Villa Stuck In the fall of 2013 the Museum Villa Stuck presents – as an anniversary project – the exhibition „In the Temple of the Self: The Artist’s Residence as a Total Work of Art”. An exemplary artist’s residence, the Stuck villa is […]
Memory Layers of a Holocaust Memorial Site
Students’ Design Contest, Faculty of Architecture, Debrecen University Text: Péter Kovács, Péter Sugár The city of Debrecen made a decision to build a holocaust monument and thus the Faculty of Architecture published an architectural design contest for this project in 2013. As a result of this exceptional initiative a winning design submitted for this contest […]
Hungary: Architecture in the era of awakening
Architektur im Ringturm, Vienna, 26 March – 2 May 2014 The latest exhibition in Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein’s Architektur im Ringturm series continues the examination of totalitarian regimes with a look at architecture during Hungary’s socialist realist era. Against the backdrop of Europe’s new political constellation, a formal doctrine originating in Moscow was adopted more or […]
Dreamland Alps
Utopian Projections and Projects Universität Innsbruck, Baukunst-Archiv, May 30 – September 7, 2014 Parallel to the exhibition “Alps, Architecture, Tourism, demonstrated by the example of South Tyrol”, “Dreamland Alps” will present 22 utopian projections and projects in the Alps. The relationship between man and nature has thoroughly changed since the Alps were “discovered” in the […]
Pritzker díj 2014: Shigeru Ban
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Ybl Miklós kiállítás a metróban
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The Hungarian Pavilion of the 14th Venetian Architectural Biennale Concept: Jakab Csaba, Márton László Attila The winning design of the Hungarian pavilion in the 2014 Venetian Architectural Biennale was submitted by Csaba Jakab and László Márton presenting architects’ teams built upwards by considering construction as both a personal and social cause from the very beginnings […]
Millenary Velodrom Design Contest 2014
Built in 1896, the Millenary Velodrom is a cradle of Hungarian sports or more precisely competitive sport. In 1928 it hosted the bicycle world championship. The pavement of the track was modernized in the 1950s and 1970s and the stand which is a protected historic monument with a seating capacity of 3,000 viewers was renovated […]
Universal and National Correlative Concepts
The Modernization Project of the Vigadó in Pest Archtiect: Rudolf Fehérváry Text: Miklós Sulyok Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky A protected historic building, the Vigadó in Pest has had an adventureous history which may as well be rated as Romantic. The predecessor of the existing building is the Neo-Classicist style structure designed by Mihály Pollack named Redoute […]
Sauflon Innovation Centre Architects: László Földes, Johanna Csűri, Tamás Holics Glass work: András Bojti Text: Péter Sugár Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Part of the production hall of Sauflon factory near Budapest specialised in contact lenses now houses furnishes the „academy”, an innovation centre for in-service training and conferences. László Földes, Johanna Csűri and Tamás Holics were […]