House of the Year 2020

The House of the Year Award is an important recognition of professionals among Hungarian architects which surveys and evaluates detached houses and minor residential buildings year by year, more recently also including the latest public buildings. On September 17th, a gala was held to publish the results of this year’s House of the Year 2020 […]

Cultural Mission

National Museum Restoration and Storage Centre, Budapest Architect: Zsolt Vasáros Text: Tamás Kiss Photos: Balázs Danyi The Budapest-based National Museum Restoration and Storage Centre has been officially inaugurated. The complex is located right next to the City Park on the site of the former hospital, and has been built within the framework of a brown […]

The Weight of Beauty

The Reconstruction and Extension of Károlyi-Csekonics Palace, Budapest Architects: Csaba Molnár DLA, Péter Bach DLA, Dénes Halmai, Rita Terbe DLA, Zsolt Bánhegyi Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Located in the Palace District, Károlyi-Csekonics Palace is one of the most expressive palaces of Budapest. Its history truly reflects events of the period starting from the […]

A Masterpiece by the Foreman

Memoirs concerning the Reconstruction of the Esterházy Castle in Tata Architects: Csaba Molnár, Viktor Szentkuti, Dénes Halmai Text: Zorán Vukoszávlyev Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The National Project of Castles and Castle Events embrace the renewal of 33 historic buildings – 18 castles and 15 forts to be restored to their original glory, and enriched by new […]

Contemporary Timber Architecture

Mesevár Kindergarten, Monor Architect: István Murka Text: Szilvia Molnár Photos: József Hajdú Base in Monor, the kindergarten named Mesevár is located on the imaginary borderline between a street of detached family houses and the main street lined with services. The basic concept was to create a single-storey public building which the environment can tolerate quite […]

The Governor’s Elegance Reloaded

The Restoration Project of the Railway Station Building in Kenderes Architect: Ferenc Pálinkás Text: Péter Garai Photos: Zsolt Hlinka Although it was rendered as superfluous for the operations of the railway here, yet another railway station building has survived the threat of deterioration: it is the formerly almost unknown Kenderes now joins the „company” of […]

It is Easier Together

Loffice, Budapest Architect: Ádám Paládi Kovács Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The concept of co-working space, which is a communal office, still rates as an innovative solution in the office market. There is a demand for a large number of them, and yet only a few exist as of today. What is an ultimately […]

The Moment of Integration

Multifunctional Sport and Events Hall, Hatvan Architects: Marcel Ferencz, György Détári Text: Anett Mizsei Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky In 2012 ideas about the future of the rust zone wedged between Óhatvan and Újhatvan as well as about that of the handball pitch planned to be built there started to formulate. Designers from Napur Architect worked out […]

A Tame Centaur

Centre for Amplio Automatika, Székesfehérvár Architects: Bence Turányi, Mátyás Papp Text: Mária Tatai Photos: Zsolt Batár The company named Amplio has now a new building which appears somewhat enigmatic at first sight: on one end, it is a longish prism, clad in anthracyte grey trapezoid sheet, while on the other end it is a public […]

Information as an undulation

Office building, Paderborn Architect: Árpád Ferdinánd Text: Árpád Ferdinánd Photos: Dirk Heine, Jürgen Wegener Paderborn is the oldest town in East Westphalia (Germany), it was already an important transport hub in the 8th century. Architect Árpád Ferdinánd received the assignment to design the new IT Headquarters of the Argali Real Estate Gmbh in Paderborn as a major regional […]

A House in the Orchard on Mirror Hill

Detached House, Törökbálint Architects: László Kalmár, Péter Kronavetter, Zsolt
 Zsuffa Text: Márton Hakkel Photos: Zsolt Hlinka Surveying the designs of the family house in Törökbálint one notices at first sight that it is a genuinely crystallized nicely crafted project. Technically, the building honestly embodies what Hungarian building industry can achieve at its best in this […]

Shelter from a Former American Camp

Participatory Student Building Project, Mannheim Architects: Atelier U20 Text: György Szegő Photos: Yannick Wegner Due to bureaucratic procedures, refugees arriving in Germany are condemned to sustain a long period of passiveness. In the refugee camp on the location of the former American Spinelli Barracks in Mannheim, they are well provided with the bare essentials, but […]