Extension of a Barn Restaurant, Őriszentpéter Architect: Gábor U. Nagy Text: Nóra Ostoróczky Photos: György Palkó After its first conversion, the Dance Barn in Őriszentpéter was used as a rehearsal room of a dance community. Initially functioning as a kitchenette, it was transformed into a culinary pilgrims’s site throughout the years. As a result, it […]
Aktuális lapszám
Grapes, Wine, Gemstone
Lahofer Winery, Dobšice, Czech Republic Architects: Ondřej Chybik, Michal Kristof Text: György Szegő Photos: Alex Shoots Buildings Located in the Moravian region of the Czech Republic, the site of the new winery inaugurated recently is a brewery of a 19th-century beer manufactury and the neighbouring technical facility, which was added to the old plant premises […]
Music School By The Lake
György Ránki Music School, Balatonföldvár Concept: Henrietta Bodolai, PTE Technical and Digital Department Tutor: Tamás Kondor Dr. Consultant: Bálint Baranyai Dr. At the very beginning of the design stage, the elementary school and the music school had been two independent and separate units. Later on, due to their joint auxiliary and complementary functions they were […]
The Meeting of Local Building Materials and Innovation
Droneport, Ruanda Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Normanfosterfoundation.org The struggle against global warming encourages the building industry to find innovations. How is it possible to build by loading less stress on the environment whilst using less resources that we borrowed from the next generations? The initiative named Ruanda Droneport was launched in 2016 in Ruanda where […]
Turi Attila
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Sándy / Konok – Metszéspontok
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Debrecen Modern Építészete 1945–1975. I-II. kötet
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Thom Mayne: Szobrászati rajzok
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Magyar siker a FIABCI Nívódíj pályázatán
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Adolf Loos – Afterlife
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Az orosz forradalom építészete
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Balatoni nyár
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