The First Shot

MOME Workshop House, Budapest Architects: Zsófia Csomay, Tamás Németh Text: Bálint Botzheim Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Back in 1952 – just when the College of Applied Arts moved to Zugligeti Road – it was clear that the existing building shall not have enough capacity to contain all the necessary functions. The lack of an integral venue […]

Instead of Demolishing

Bige Holding Office Block, Nyíregyháza Architect: Csaba Kovács Text: Zoltán Győrffy Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Based in Nyíregyháza, Nzrt-Trade Ltd is a member of Bige Holding Group as a supplier of artificial fertilizers in the agricultural regions in Eastern Hungary. Its new office center has been implemented by transforming and reinterpreting the old headquarters after designs […]

A Drop of Water Wrapped Around

Bike-centre by the Lake Tisza Architects: Árpád Ferdinánd, Csaba Ferdinánd Text: Dávid Bán Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky A drop of water along the Lake Tisza. A white building wrapped around by ramps. Árpád Ferdinánd and Csaba Ferdinánd designed the first bike centre of Hungary to be built here on the margins of Tiszafüred. The option was […]

Exemplary Standards

Health Centre, Csomád Architects: József Kolossa, Bartha Katalin Kolossáné, András Weiszkopf Text: Sándor Csontó Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky As of today, one can clearly feel an increasingly heightened social sensitivity of contemporary architecture: an approach focussing on local and genuine needs instead of mega-scale investments and developments, high-brow philosophies and gestures of leaving signs behind. Decision-makers […]

Worlds Evolving Out of Wall Fragments

Holocaust Memorial Wall, Olaszliszka Architects: Zsolt Szécsi, Ágnes M. Juhász Art concept: Anna Baróthy, Bálint Tóth, Dalma Faddi Text: Marianna Berényi Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Located in the Hegyalja region, Olaszliszka used to have a fairly large Jewish community. Its the architectural heritage, the synagogue built by Friedmann Hersele (1808–1874), the famous rabbi of miracles has […]

Renewed Heritage

Wroclaw – European Capital of Culture 2016 Text: Edit Pálinkás Photos: Wroclaw ECC 2016 Wrocław entered the competition for the title of European Capital of Culture, because it has a story to tell. The city wants to talk about its past and present, and architecture has a main role in it. Besides the completed buildings […]

Relocating Csontváry Museum

Concept Tender – 1st Prize Concept and text: Pintér Tamás János, Simon Viktória The Prime Minister’s Office published an open tender for concepts on potential exhibition facilities where works by Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka could be displayed in an appropriate way. The first prize of the contest went to the scheme submitted by Unitef-83 Zrt. As […]

Casablanca Market Hall

S.ARCH International Architecture Award – 2nd Prize Concept: Géza Kendik Fellow dseigners: Zsuzska Mészáros, Zsófia Hargitay Inspired by the suspended-hanging community-designed shading structures seen on traditional moroccan marketplaces The scaffolding-like building lets the traffic flow through the arcade-like marketplace. Lively commerce on the ground floor, peaceful conversations on the terraces. The triangle of the site […]

Translocation – Transformation

Ai Weiwei exhibition, 21er Haus, Vienna, 14 July – 20 November 2016 Photos: Andrea Fábián “Everything is art. Everything is politics”, says Ai Weiwei (born in 1957), one of the world’s most famous contemporary artists. As a conceptual artist, documentarian and activist, his works deal not only critically with the history, culture and politics of […]

Frederick Kiesler: Life Visions

MAK, Vienna, 14 July – 2 October 2016 The current interest in the multifaceted oeuvre of the Austrian- American architect, artist, designer, set designer, and theoretician Frederick Kiesler applies most of all to his holistic philosophy—the negation of the traditional boundaries drawn between disciplines—and the importance he ascribed to the productivefusion of artistic and empirical […]

Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina

Dubravka Đukanović: Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina from 1699 to 1939 The Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Petrovaradin Novi Sad, 2015 The monograph „Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina from 1699 to 1939“ is a bilingual publication which presents the results of many years of research focused on the […]

Ázbej & Ázbej

Kunsthalle, Budapest, 26 July – 11 September 2016 Interlinking generations, the co-operation of fathers and their children in the arts and disciplines make for inexhaustible, exciting and enlightening stories. An exhibition of father and son is proof positive that renewal need not begin by sweeping away the past, but often quite the contrary. The concept […]