The Austrian Builder-Owner Award is one of Austria’s most prestigious architectural prizes. Presented by the Central Association of Austrian Architects since 1967, this annual award pays tribute to buildings and landscape architecture projects that stand out for their functionality, design and significance for the community…
Europa Nostra Award 2013
The winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards were unveiled by the European Commission and Europa Nostra. The 30 winners are honoured for their achievements in four areas: conservation, research, dedicated service, and education, training and awareness-raising.
Ybl Prize 2013
The Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ) invites you to the exhibition Ybl Prize 2013
MÉSZ Kós Károly Hall
2th April – 12th April 2013
Toyo Ito – Pritzker Architecture Prize 2013
Toyo Ito, a 71 year old architect whose architectural practice is based in Tokyo, Japan, will be the recipient of the 2013 Pritzker Architecture Prize. The purpose of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, which was founded in 1979 by the late Jay A. Pritzker and his wife, Cindy, is to honor annually a living architect whose built work…
Ybl Prize 2013
Ybl Prize is the most prestigious architectural recognition in Hungary, which is awarded to professionals active in the construction and formation of the environment combined with the protection of values. Ybl Prize winners: Bálint Bachmann DLA, Marcel Ferencz DLA, Ágnes Kravár, Csaba Molnár, Béla Sisa
Architectural Photo of the Year 2012
Architectural Photography Competition 2012
Organized by the Association of Hungarian Architects, Chamber of Hungarian Architects, Architectural Photographers Open Society
Prize of the Association of Hungarian Architects: László Francsics
Prize of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects: Márk Péter Vargha
FUGA Radio Architectural Photo Competition 2012
On the occasion of the Month of Photography the FUGA Radio launched a photo contest for every enthusiastic (amateur and professional) photographers who like to take pictures of buildings. The announcers waited for photos of buildings or groups of buildings, which are important for the photography lovers, exciting…
Kós Károly Prize 2012
Kós Károly Prize was founded to recognize excellent achievements of individuals and communities protecting local architectural heritage and preserving architectural traditions. Every year it is awarded on or about December 16th, the birthday of a creator using motifs of Transylvanian folk art and historic Hungarian architectural monuments.
Prima Primissima Prize 2012
On December 7th 2012 this year’s Prima Primissima Prizes were handed over in the Palace of Arts (Művészetek Palotája), Budapest. The prize founded by Sándor Demján went to Péter Török landscape designer in the category „Architecture and Architectural Art”, whilst architects Balázs Balogh and Antal Lázár were awarded the Prima Award…
Mihály Mőcsényi – IFLA Prix 2012
Mihály Mőcsényi is a prominent character and professor honoured as a „living legend” of Hungarian and international landscape architecture. As an emblematic figure of 20th century European landscape architecture he received Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe’s Award from the IFLA Executive Council at the conference held in in Cape Town in September 2012.
Prima Primissima 2012
2012. december 7-én a 10. Jubileum alkalmával a különleges Gálaműsoron, korábbi évek Junior Prima díjasai léptek fel Primissima és Prima díjas művészekkel. A 2007. évi Gálához hasonlóan az idei Gálán is átadásra került
5 db Jubileumi Primissima díj, mely díjazottakat az Alapító jelölte ki a Gála napján, a korábbi évek Prima díjasai közül.
Kotsis Iván emlékérem 2012
Winkler Barnabást negyven éves pályája alkalmassá teszi „a tanító és egyben alkotó építészek” Kotsis Iván érmével való kitüntetésére. Tevékenységének jelentősége nem csak szakmai – hanem erkölcsi is – mely az építészet gyakorlását, beleértve az oktatás általa választott formáját is, teljes életre szóló megbízatás részének tekinti.