Klösz 100 – Urban Photogarphy Conference

Klösz 100 – Urban Photography Conference
Budapest, 24-25 May 2013
Organizers: Hungarian Society for the History of Photography
Hungarian University of Fine Arts
Location: Feszty House (Hungarian University of Fine Arts)

Excellence in Construction Awards 2012 – Conference

Cooperation for the Constuction Profession Conference
Budapest, 30. 05. 2013
BME, „K” épület, I/95. (1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.)
Lectures on the winners of Excellence in Construction Awards 2012 by architects, collaborators, clients and contractors.

Lakatlan Budapest

The LAKATLAN BUDAPEST FESTIVAL (Vacant Budapest Festival) is a cooperation between the KÉK Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, Wonderland – Platform for European Architecture and the Vacant Central Europe project. The festival’s goal is to summarize current research on mapping and reusing vacant properties…

8th Architectural and Art Workshop

8th Architectural and Art Workshop
Sopron, 16. 06 – 22. 06. 2013
Institute of Applied Arts of the University of West Hungary
Worshopron Art College

Urban workshop

It’s not just a workshop, but a festival as well to facilitate the dialogue on the development of the public spaces in Budapest under the program of ‘New visions in Víziváros’. Unfortunately public spaces in Hungary, especially in Budapest are many times in neglected condition. This workshop focuses on these problems, and intend to find…

Trends in Contemporary Estonian Architecture

Gallery forum
Trends in Contemporary Estonian Architecture
Lecture by Andri Ksenofontov architect

FUGA, Budapest, 8 May 2013 6 p.m.

MÉSZ General Meeting

General Meeting of the Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ)

H13 Student and Enterprise Centre (1085 Budapest, Horánszky utca 13.)
6 May 2013, 10 a.m.
Opening: László György Sáros DLA President, MÉSZ

Together for Communities

In 2012, Holcim is celebrating 100 years of strength, performance and passion. By volunteering in their communities, Holcim employees are celebrating the Centennial in a special way. Even though each single activity is driven by local needs, the initiative is a global one – and runs under a global header: Together for Communities.

Changes in Budapest – seeds

Series of the Department of Urban Studies of Budapest University of Technology in FUGA Architecture Center and all over the city
Public open spaces
Lectures by Kristin Faurest PhD and Dominika Tihanyi DLA
FUGA, Budapest 25th April 2013, 6 p.m.

Three Paradigms of Yugoslavism

Architecture and Identity in Yugoslavia 1904-1941
Dr. Aleksandar Ignjatović (Associate professor, University of Belgrade)
lecture in Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Doctoral School for Architecture
24 April 2013 14.30, BME K210

International Day for Monuments and Sites

According to the International Day for Monuments and Sites the ICOMOS Hungarian National Committee, The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Pest County Government Offices and the Forster Gyula National Heritage Resources and Services Center organized a special meeting with the title Historical Preservation and its Social Opportunities during Crisis.

XIX. János Hild Urban Planning Conference

XIX. János Hild Urban Planning Conference
Change and Conformity in Urban Planning

Organized by the MUT Hungarian Society for Urban Planning
17-19 April 2013, Mosonmagyaróvár